Arguably, there are as many types of people as there are ways to deal with passwords in the digital environment. Some use the same password for everything, others have a system with small variations between one and the other and there are those who keep an exhaustive record in a notebook with all the passwords of their activity on the network. It can become a real headache, but it is necessary today. Or not? FIDO Access Keys wants to put an end to this.

The reality is that, no matter how convoluted a password may be, it will hardly be entirely safe from attempts to steal it by cybercriminals and their techniques, such as phishing or malware attacks. This alternative seeks to help users perform safer browsing.

FIDO access keys, as they are known by their name in English “Fast Identity Online” (fast identity online), is a system based on open standards for two-factor authentication and multiple factors that seeks to do away with traditional passwords . It was created by the FIDO Alliance, a consortium of technology, financial, and other companies that have come together to reduce the use of passwords and improve security on electronic devices.

Possibly one of the best known examples of a FIDO access key is facial recognition authentication. Or what was more common a few years ago, through the fingerprint.

Security experts recommend that users take extreme precautions when ensuring the security of their accounts on the network. And using FIDO access keys is a great way to do that. Traditional passwords are an easy wall to crack when compared to this form of access, which is much more resistant to attacks by cybercriminals. Mainly because FIDO access keys are based on a real person being behind the screen, to verify the face scanner, for example.

Another of the strengths of the FIDO access codes is the improvement of user privacy, since in this way the information of each person is prevented from being easily tracked. The reason behind this is due to its public key cryptography system, known as PKI.

It is also worth mentioning another advantage such as the comfort and practicality that this alternative supposes. You avoid having to deal with an endless number of different passwords, which you have to remember, save and write all the time. So the experience of browsing and using online services is simplified.