Tinder is the most popular dating app. In 2022 it had 10.9 million users and, according to data from Marketsplash, Spain is the fourth country with a high use of the application that now brings news. The company reported that it is in a testing phase to implement a new feature powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that promises to optimize the choice of profile photos to achieve better matches.

The algorithm, which is being developed by the parent company Match Group, will be in charge of analyzing the user’s image album and will select the five photos that, according to the algorithm, best represent their personality and can ensure a match in the application.

Match Group CEO Bernard Kim explained that artificial intelligence has the potential to help users create more effective and authentic profiles. “I think artificial intelligence can help our users create better profiles in a more efficient way and really show their personalities,” he said. According to Kim, this function seeks to improve the efficiency in the creation of profiles and show the real personality of each individual.

This selection of photos is just one of several updates that Tinder plans to implement to optimize interactions for its users. The company aims to provide a more rewarding and less awkward experience in the world of online dating. And it is that with a user base of more than 75 million worldwide, Tinder seeks to innovate in its approach to remain relevant and attractive.

So in this work with artificial intelligence they are exploring how to use it to show relevant content to the right people. With this, what they seek is to increase the quality of the matches and ensure that users find profiles related to their interests and relationship objectives.

Tinder’s product manager, Mark Van Ryswyk, already hinted in July that the app could also use generative artificial intelligence to help users write their biographies. This feature is in limited testing and provides personalized suggestions based on user-provided interests and relationship goals.

According to a recent study, close to a third of Tinder users would be willing to use artificial intelligence to optimize their profiles. The platform also plans to use artificial intelligence to improve initial conversations, providing suggestions and support to get past the first step in the interaction. So the company is confident that user response to these innovations will be positive.

The fact that Tinder wants to integrate artificial intelligence into its platform is a step further from functions that it previously implemented, such as the requirement of a video selfie to strengthen the security of the account. In addition, with this measure, bot activities on the platform were prevented and the existence of false profiles was eliminated.

The objective of all these novelties that the company wants to implement is to improve the quality of the online dating experience for Tinder users.