The Junta de Andalucía has activated this Sunday at 5:15 p.m. the level 1 alert for the forest fire in the Parque de las Canteras Puerto Real area (Cádiz) and that has forced the AP-4 to be cut in both directions – the highway between Seville and Cádiz- at kilometer 104, although circulation on that road has already been restored.

The Andalusian Forest Fire Fighting Plan, Infoca Plan, is working to extinguish this fire, which broke out at 3:35 p.m.

A light and two medium-heavy helicopters, a fire engine, three groups of forest firefighters, two operations technicians and an environmental agent are participating in the firefighting work.

After 8:00 p.m., the Minister of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, Antonio Sanz, appeared. He has confirmed two sources of the start of the fire, that there are four different areas affected and has advanced that the forecasts for the next few hours are good, although he has called for “maximum prudence”. In parallel, he has called for “citizen collaboration.”

The fire has also made it necessary to cut the CA-32 highway that connects Puerto Real with Puerto de Santa María.

Likewise, as a result of the fire, there have also been power outages in various areas of Cádiz. Municipal sources have indicated that work is being done to try to restore the service “as soon as possible.” Now only specific areas of the historic center remain without service.

The Cádiz City Council has reported that Eléctrica de Cádiz has activated its Emergency Plan this afternoon due to the fire and the mayor, the ‘popular’ Bruno García, has warned citizens that the Civil Guard would immediately cut “traffic over the Carranza bridges and of the Constitution for security reasons”, remaining so “until the fire is not controlled and the security forces give the go-ahead for the reopening”.

Bruno García himself is reporting on his social networks the state of the fire and the effects on mobility, and has reported that circulation has already been restored through the two bridges – Carranza and Constitución.

The Cádiz Province Fire Consortium has preventively evicted some homes due to the risk that they could be affected by the fire in Las Canteras Park, which has already spread to Los Toruños Park. As reported by the Consortium on its social networks, members of the five parks in the area continue to act.

For its part, the Puerto Real Police have asked citizens not to approach the area due to “the great smoke and risk to people”, as well as to leave the entire perimeter of the fairgrounds “free of traffic”, where The Advanced Command Post (PMA) is going to be installed.

In a more extensive message on Twitter, the mayor of Cádiz, Bruno Garcia, explained that he has already spoken with the mayoress of Puerto Real, Aurora Salvador.

It has also advanced that, “in the absence of any specific report”, the supply has been restored in almost the entire city, pending streets such as Rafael de la Viesca, Antonio López, Calderón de la Barca and some in the Santa María area ” that they cannot reconnect it because there is not enough power”.

He explained that for a good part of the afternoon “the police patrols assigned to the beaches have gone up to the city to order traffic while the traffic lights were not working due to the power outage”, and he celebrated that the circulation of the two bridges.

“Regarding the Carranza Trophy, it falls within that evaluation. We are currently focused on our neighboring city of Puerto Real and help as much as possible,” he concluded on social networks.