Improving health in an easy and also appetizing way is the mission of hohes c, the innovative brand of nutritional drinks with vitamins and minerals. Within their wide range of products, they include the new nutridrink with calcium, which is increasingly necessary: ??30% of the Spanish population already has bone and joint problems due to a lack of this mineral. And it is that the body only obtains this important mineral for health through food.

Today, the fast pace and stress make it difficult to follow a balanced and varied diet, such as the one guaranteed by the Mediterranean diet that prioritizes fruits and vegetables, and that is where the first deficits arise. In addition, other factors are added, such as the tendency to stop consuming dairy products or milk-based products. In general, Spanish society does not consume enough calcium, nor other key minerals for health, on a day-to-day basis.

In fact, more than 40% of Spaniards have a vitamin deficiency and the main cause is a poor diet. Without calcium, for example, the bones become weak or do not grow properly and, in addition, the hair and nails become poorer and more brittle, the skin becomes dry and muscle cramps are suffered.

Calcium is essential for good health and is a crucial mineral not only for bone health, but also for reducing the risk of heart disease and ensuring good muscle and nerve function, and is essential for good health. dental. Despite all these benefits that calcium brings us, statistics warn that citizens do not reach the daily recommendations for this mineral.

In addition, it must be emphasized that it is a key mineral in all stages of life. The needs and contribution required by the body change according to age and life cycle. It is an essential mineral for the formation of the skeleton, so it should prevail in childhood and adolescence. In addition, during pregnancy and lactation, calcium needs increase again significantly. And, at menopause and later in old age, it is also important to have adequate levels of calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

In this sense, food supplements have positioned themselves as great allies to cover or reinforce the necessary doses of vitamins and minerals of which we have deficits. However, the ideal would be to be able to take care of your health through a rich and varied diet and sports, instead of resorting to medicines, hence the great interest in this natural drink.

Due to these deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, the arrival in Spain of nutribebidas from hohes C is good news, a German brand with more than 60 years of experience in the production of healthy drinks with vitamins, minerals or other essential nutrients. hohes C was born to provide, in a pleasant and natural way, the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body may need. It is an easy drink to drink and to integrate into the consumer’s daily routine.

The range includes four varieties that cover different needs. On the one hand, hohes C with Iron, to help reduce fatigue; hohes C with Magnesium, to help maintain your energy; hohes C with Vitamin D to contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system; and, the novelty, hohes C with Calcium to help maintain bones.

hohes C has a clear objective with this launch: to help citizens assume good levels of calcium, helping the proper maintenance of bones, thanks to the fact that, with a single glass a day, it provides 100% of vitamin C and a high content of vitamin D. His new proposal, like the previous ones, is made from natural and nutritious ingredients, with 100% fruit and is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance and also for vegetarians. hohes C is more than a juice.

Positioned as a nutridrink that contributes to a healthy lifestyle, the brand landed on the Spanish market in May 2022. Today, hohes C is the only nutridrink on the market that offers 100% of the daily natural vitamin C that a person needs in a single glass. More than 260,000 Spanish households have already tried hohes C, and half of them repeat. And it is that strengthening health has never been so simple and good at the same time: with more than one million sales in euros since its launch, hohes C offers consumers the necessary vitamins and minerals to contribute to a healthy lifestyle with their nutrition drinks