The water has sprouted again this Wednesday in the ponds and ornamental fountains of the Parc Central, after its closure on July 20 due to the appearance of the Cryptosporidium parasite. The existence of this protozoan caused the contamination of the water in these areas not authorized for bathing and the infection of seven children between the ages of two and nine.

To prevent this type of contagion and health alarms, the Councilor for the Area of ??Parks, Gardens and Natural Spaces, Juan Carlos Caballero, has indicated that bathing in these areas implies a breach of the municipal ordinance, which can lead to a penalty of up to 750 euro. And it is that the only one enabled in the entire Parc Central to cool off and play with the water, they remember from the consistory, is the so-called ‘zone of the jets’.

“We have changed the signage of the park so that the article of the ordinance that warns of the prohibition of bathing in ponds and ornamental fountains and the penalty of up to 750 euros that non-compliance entails is visible”, Caballero stressed during his visit to the Park Central, accompanied by Carlos Mundina, councilor for the Climate Improvement and Water Management Area. Both have attended the reopening of the facilities after the results of the analyzed water samples confirmed that there is no longer any trace of the Cryptosporidium that caused the infection and diarrhea in minors.

Caballero has added that a more exhaustive surveillance system has been arranged, in collaboration with the Local Police, so that the ordinance is complied with. “We must remember that ornamental fountains and sheets of water are not swimming pools; Although they are subjected to a chlorination process, they are not swimming pools and neither people nor pets can be bathed in them. You can enjoy the park without breaking the ordinance, ”he said.

For his part, Carlos Mundina, councilor delegate of the Integral Water Cycle, recalled that there are scattered throughout the city, available to residents and tourists, both traditional drinking fountains for drinking water, duly marked as suitable for human consumption, and the 25 refrigerated municipal fountains, so that people can cool off and drink in complete peace of mind.

The two municipal managers for the Environment have personally supervised the reopening of the swimming pools and ornamental fountains and have highlighted the coordination with the Ministry of Health to provide a quick solution to this case.