Going by public transport from Tremp to Barcelona costs about 30 euros and between three and four hours of time. The new mayoress of Tremp, Sílvia Romero (PSC), asks to review both the cost of the ticket and the journey time. The Alsa company is in charge of providing the service through a concession with the Generalitat.

The bus makes between 6 and 21 stops, which currently “doesn’t make any sense” according to the mayoress.

The mayoress has also demanded that the Tremp hospital, a reference in the two Pallars, adapt to the new times”.

For this reason, the City Council has given a space to expand it and is committed to starting a nursing course in the capital of Jussà in the 2024-25 academic year.

For Romero, it is important that Nursing training is taught in the territory because the operation of a regional hospital and primary care centers in mountain regions is very different from that of other parts of the country.

If these students know how it works, there will be more possibilities for them to stay to work in the future, adds the mayoress. To facilitate this establishment, the City Council has already made a flat available to the six students in nursing practices who will be in Tremp.

Romero points out that Tremp needs a new Primary Care Center (CAP) and for it to be a reality, the City Council will provide a space for its new construction.

Tremp is the capital of Pallars Jussà but it also acts as a reference point in terms of many services for Pallars Sobirà and Alta Ribagorça. For this reason, Mayor Romero has said that relations with these regions should be strengthened because they share common problems. Being the capital of a municipality with many small nuclei is a characteristic that they share and for which Romero believes that specific recognition must be found when it comes to being eligible for aid.

Silvia Romero explained that the City Council will also give up land so that the Generalitat has a service building in Tremp that brings together all areas of the Administration; from the Government delegation in the Alt Pirineu and Aran passing through the rest of the delegations, some already deployed such as Education and others with process.

The Tremp City Council approved, in plenary session on July 21, the suspension of licenses for tourist housing on urban land for one year to regulate their implementation. The objective of this measure is to account for homes for tourist use with the availability of rental housing and, therefore, guarantee the right to housing.

The mayoress, Sílvia Romero, explained that with this suspension of licenses “we must be able to better regulate the implementation of new homes for tourist use and guarantee a quality offer.” At this time, in Tremp a lack of rental housing supply and rising prices have been detected. Currently, there are 109 registered homes for tourist use.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has decided to grant a Next Generation aid of 447,878 euros to the proposal of the municipalities of Tremp and La Pobla de Segur and the Comarcal Council of Pallars Jussà on a project to revitalize and improve local commerce of the region This project should make local and proximity trade more sustainable.

The modernization and expansion of the Conca de Tremp irrigation system is a vital project for the Pallars Jussà region. Agriculture has a very important weight in the economy of Jussà and the primary sector is an important economic axis. This work, which was stopped in 2015, must be resumed in order to improve water management.

At the beginning of this year, the commitments were acquired by the Government and the irrigators to update the executive projects of the work and to gather the necessary adhesions to resume the works for the completion of phase 1 and to continue the following phases.