Years ago, summer did not officially begin until Ana García Obregón posed in a bathing suit for ¡Hola! magazine. Some snapshots that kicked off the summer season and that became a tradition of Spanish culture. However, the actress and presenter stopped posing a few years ago, in honor of her son Aless.

It is precisely because of her son that she has once again posed for her top magazine from her summer home in Mallorca. Of course, she does not do it alone, but accompanied by someone very special: Anita, Aless Lequio’s biological daughter and, therefore, her granddaughter. The little girl, who came into the world thanks to surrogacy in the United States and whose birth created a real stir internationally, has become the actress’s reason to continue living, who does not stop seeing and feeling her son every time you hug your little girl.

“I don’t care at all what anyone says,” insists the presenter. Ana Obregón has managed to bring Anita into the world, just as her son wanted and, as her mother assures her, she left her parents in writing. A girl with whom she melts in pampering, affection and flattery. “I give thanks to life every time I look at it,” she says.

According to the presenter, Anita is the same as her father, Aless Lequio. They look alike physically, but also in the way of being. “Anita is beautiful, she is a doll, smiling, happy, she spends the day laughing”, she says, “she is nailed, nailed, nailed to him. But not only physically, but in a way of being ”. Not only that, but even her scent would be the same. “It smells like Aless. Any mother recognizes the smell of her children, ”she assures,“ I, who have all five highly developed senses, notice it perfectly, because she smells exactly the same ”.

The presenter poses with her daughter in her family home, one of the favorite corners of her son Aless, who wanted his children to spend their holidays there. “His dream of her has come true. Here is her daughter, as he wanted, ”she insists, assuring that if the girl did not exist, she would not have returned to the family home, given the pain that returning would entail and all the memories of the son and the parents of her around her.

Ana Obregón is full, and to those who criticize her, she turns a deaf ear. Once again, she makes it clear that the girl will never lack for anything, and before she came into the world, she had already left everything well tied up for when she is gone. As the rumors pointed out, Celia Vega-Penichet, daughter of her sister Celia García Obregón, will be Anita’s tutor when the presenter is no longer there.

“This girl will never lack love, money, or anything at all”, insists the artist, who confesses that Celia will be her tutor: “When they see how well this girl is doing, they will surely change their minds. Everything is thought out from minute one. Celita was like Aless’s sister and she’s crazy about Anita. It’s all in my will,” she assures.

The young woman was always very close to Aless, with whom she was separated by a slight age difference and whom she considered a brother as they grew up practically together, and she will be the one who will take care of her daughter in the future. The young woman works in the area of ​​Corporate Development and Fund Structuring in an investment management company, and will be the godmother of the little girl at her Baptism.

Thus, the presenter begins this new stage, where she does not think of anything other than the girl. “I’m going to pamper my girl as much as I want, all day long,” she says, “I’ve lived in hell for five years and now, every time I hold Anita in my arms, I feel like I’m hugging a little piece of heaven.” . The artist is clear about it: “Life has suddenly started again. I have the peace of mind that I have accomplished everything my son would have liked to do and cancer prevented him from doing so.”