The Figueres City Council has initially approved the transfer to the Altem Foundation, dedicated to caring for people with disabilities, the old Ramon Reig nursery to make the day center.

The project was announced in 2018 after the government team at the time, headed by Marta Felipe, acquired the adjacent land, but it did not materialize. Now, the governing board has approved by which the consistory will give the space for 50 years for the entity to make the equipment.

In a second phase, which will begin when the first phase is finished, it is planned to transfer the land next door to them in order to move the ‘Les Acàcies’ residence for the profoundly disabled, which is now located in a flood zone.

The nursery, which is located next to the N-II and the old Camping Pous, was bought in 2011 for nearly half a million euros and has been in disuse ever since. The equipment has suffered occupation problems, even a few months ago they found a dead man in an advanced state of decomposition.

The space was walled up and the debris it accumulated was cleaned, although remains of work and rubble are clearly visible on the outside.

The mayor, Jordi Masquef, defends the action and says that the agreement “recovers a property that fell into disuse and has been a source of conflicts and jobs.”

“We recovered it for the city,” says Masquef. “There is a very good harmony with the foundation and I think the time has come to move forward,” he adds.

The assignment will be made for a period of 50 years. Once the assignment is definitively approved, the entity will have one year to start the works and build the day center. In a second phase, it is expected that the council will give them the adjacent land to transfer the residence for the severely disabled to them.