A large operation to harass Vox is beginning, the party that had to widen the electoral field of the Spanish right by mobilizing the other outraged. To the sleeping patriots who had been waiting for years for a voice to wake them up.

Vox has given verb to many people. Chronic abstentionists, reluctant conservatives, enraged rentiers, third-generation Falangists, brothers-in-law without a cause, Federico’s listeners wanting to take action, thousands and thousands of masculine pride wounded by the feminist push (and by a feminist rhetoric that tends to saturation), mothers outraged by the ordeal of their divorced son, gymnasium tribunes, police, civil and military guards absolutely convinced that the unity of Spain is truly in danger, landowners who have choked on the rise in the minimum wage , small businessmen and shopkeepers choked for the same reason, workers who have disconnected from the multicultural left, people from the neighborhood who years ago stopped believing in neighborhood associations, retirees terrified by the publicity pouring out of alarms and admirers of Desokupa. More people woke up: enlightened citizens, dandies of an elegant fascism, wanting to shake the board without putting the fundamental order at risk. Pensioners overdosed on Facebook. Spectators of the morning programs of private television. Youngsters dazzled by the voxera agility on TikTok. The young Catholics who began to sing Cara al sol in Lisbon while Pope Francis preached universal brotherhood at the recent World Youth Day. People who would like to live in a safer, more regulated and predictable world. A lot of people. Many people. Three million voters in the recent general elections. 12.3% of voters. 8.6% of the electoral roll.

With the defection of Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, the eclipse of Vox has begun, say some Madrid newspapers, convinced that the far-right party has become a hindrance that should be eliminated as soon as possible to favor the concentration of votes in the People’s Party. Now they are getting in the way – some offices think – because on July 23 it was demonstrated that Vox mobilizes, in the opposite direction, too many young people, too many women, too many Catalans and too many reluctant left-wing voters.

“It’s time to die”, some writers from Madrid DF are telling the replicant Santiago Abascal, still dismayed by the result of 23-J. The departure of the parliamentary spokesman would be a signal from above, since the son of Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros and Bernaldo de Quirós, former commissioner of the Spain Brand, was Vox’s liaison officer with the big company.

We will have to ask Manfred Weber, president of the European People’s Party, who counted on Vox for a far-reaching operation in European politics, along with Mrs. Meloni’s post-fascist party. We will have to see what happens in the legislative elections in Poland called for next October 15. And we will have to wait for the decisive European elections in June 2024, which will be the great breakwater for everything that is moving now.