YouTube recommendations are one of the most convenient ways to explore and discover new content that might never have made it to our homepage before. However, Google has announced changes and the end of this system for some users.

Specifically, those who use YouTube with disabled history and without a good volume of videos already seen to facilitate this task for the platform, will not have recommendations and will access a home page that is different from the conventional one.

“One of the advantages of having the YouTube viewing history activated is that it allows you to offer recommendations for videos that may interest you; however, we know that some prefer to delete and deactivate the history of YouTube visits ”, their managers have highlighted on the Google blog.

“If you have YouTube viewing history turned off and you don’t have significant previous viewing history, features that require viewing history to provide video recommendations, such as the YouTube home page, will be disabled,” the recent announcement from YouTube states. the company.

In practice, this decision translates into important changes for these users: “You will be able to see the search bar and the guide menu on the left, but you will not see recommended videos, which will allow you to carry out searches more easily, navigate through the channels to those you are subscribed to and explore the topic tabs”, they stand out.

The owners of the platform justify the changes to make it “more clear which YouTube features rely on viewing history to offer video recommendations and to make it more agile for those of you who prefer to search instead of examining the recommendations.” ”.