Carrying out some public administration procedure can become a real headache. The advancement of technology has allowed tedious administration processes to be carried out faster thanks to some tools, such as the digital certificate.

The digital certificate allows you to carry out an infinite number of procedures in the public administration and, also, in some private entities online. It is a document that authenticates and verifies that you are indeed the person who is carrying out an administrative process.

Although it may seem complicated, installing the digital certificate on the mobile is a simple task. Of course, to proceed to install it you have to have your ID at hand, that the camera of your smartphone works correctly and be able to pay the fee to download the digital certificate of €2.99.

Once the entire process is complete, the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre takes between 24 and 48 hours to validate your certificate. When they validate it, you will be able to download and install it on your phone.

The digital certificate allows you to carry out procedures at the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) paying taxes or fees, carrying out fiscal verifications or carrying out any other tax procedure. You can also use the digital certificate at Social Security to obtain work history reports or certificates, at the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) to carry out hiring procedures or unemployment protection, at the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) to pay fines or submit allegations. The National Police, the Ministry of Justice or some Town Halls and Provincial Councils as well as Autonomous Communities also allow the use of the digital certificate to carry out procedures within their administrations.