The Pantoja family is a factory that generates news. A few days ago, Isabel Pantoja decided to celebrate her 67th birthday in a totally different way than she was used to: all by herself and with the phone turned off, according to Antonio Rossi. It seems that the approach she was having with her daughter could not make her attend.

But where this meeting may take place is at Isa Pantoja’s wedding. The singer’s daughter will marry Asraf Beno on Friday, October 13, and she has already confirmed her desire for her to attend. “I hope so, that my mother comes, I take it for granted. It’s a wedding, it’s something super important. I still haven’t given her the invitation. I’m waiting to be able to go in person, give it to her and find out what she thinks,” he said. expressed this Friday in The Summer Program.

This link occurs three years after the engagement, which took place in October 2020. “I’m nervous about everything it means,” she began to recount in the aforementioned program. And it is that she has not hesitated when it comes to sharing with the public the invitation that she has sent to the guests at the wedding.

First of all, it has shown the ‘Save The Date’. With this, the date of the event is put on the calendar of the guests and it is made clear what the dress code will be. Isa Pantoja and Asraf Beno have chosen that the men wear a tuxedo or dark suit and the women wear a long dress.

Right after, the official wedding invitation has been shown. On it you can see the names of “Isabel

In it, in addition, the date is shown again, but also the time: “Invitation of guests 5:00 p.m.. Ceremony 6:00 p.m. We request maximum punctuality.” And they have not forgotten to make the location clear: the Hacienda Al-Baraka in Seville.

And this invitation has been received by “around 200” people. “There is part of my family that cannot come, but I want it to be a happy day. […] I want that day to be for me, that I do not have problems thinking of anyone and really enjoy”, the collaborator has assured. And it is very clear who to invite and who not.

“I have only invited my mother and my cousin Anabel,” he has expressed emphatically. Although, yes, it seems that she is concerned about the relationship between Isabel Pantoja and Asraf Beno: “They do not have a normal mother-in-law and son-in-law relationship because she made that decision. There is really nothing for her not to come to the point.”