A hooliganism in the Arbúcies cemetery has ended with ten open tombstones and three urns with ashes on the floor. At the moment the Local Police of the municipality has identified the two people who would have committed this crime.

This Thursday, August 10, some residents of the town notified that there had been damage to the cemetery. When the Local Police arrived, councilors from the City Council and the brigade saw that there were gravestones torn from the cineraries and three open ballot boxes with their contents scattered on the ground. The events would have occurred on the night of August 9-10.

Brigade workers collected the ashes and put the tombstones and urns back in place.

The mayor of Arbúcies, Pere Garriga, pointed out that the two people who would have committed this crime were drunk, but that this “does not exempt them from the very serious crime they have committed.” Garriga has declared that he expects “the greatest possible sanction” to fall on them for having desecrated these graves. The mayor has also apologized to the families whose mortal remains rested in the ballot boxes thrown to the ground.