The Elx Local Police arrested four young people between the ages of 22 and 26 at dawn this Saturday during the Elche patron saint festivities accused of groping a minor under 16, and also arrested a man for allegedly hitting and grabbing of the hair to your partner.

The police force has explained that these events are currently under police investigation and that the arrest of the four men took place after 6:30 a.m. this Saturday in the municipal barracks of Elche, which celebrates these days the Misteri d’festival. ‘Elx.

Later, around 03:00 hours, agents from the Operations Support Group arrested another man in Paseo de la Estación for allegedly punching his partner twice and throwing her to the ground after grabbing her hair.

The victim, upon the arrival of the agents, who had been alerted by several witnesses to the events, denied what had happened, despite the fact that, according to the Police, he presented “unequivocal signs” of aggression, such as a mark from the sole of a shoe on the leg

On the other hand, agents of the Local Police have arrested another young man for an alleged crime against public health in the form of drug trafficking, upon finding among his belongings two packages with 2.61 grams of speed. The events occurred around 02:00 hours in the vicinity of the Ferrández Cruz school grounds.

In another incident, around 04:00 hours, the Traffic Judicial Police Unit has initiated proceedings against a driver for an alleged crime against road safety, for driving under the influence of alcohol.

The last police intervention occurred in the Plaza de la Merced around 05:30 a.m., when agents arrested two young people, one of them for assaulting one of the policemen, whom they hit in the face and caused a shock. contusion to the nose and forehead, and the other for failing to comply with a court order prohibiting approaching a young woman who turned out to be the sister of the first of the detainees.

As part of the celebration of the city’s patron saint festivities, the Local Police have detected, “as was foreseeable”, a “considerable increase” in the consumption of alcohol in unauthorized places.

During the past day, 106 sanction proposals have been raised for this reason and 16 seizures of narcotic substances have been carried out with their corresponding sanction proposals.

The seventh day of the patron saint festivities has come to an end and, with it, the recreational offer especially aimed at the youngest public. This day has concentrated the largest number of daily incidents, largely because it coincided with the start of the weekend.

However, the consistory has applauded “the effort of the members of the Elche Local Police to attend to the special device deployed these days”, which has resulted in ten detainees for the commission of various criminal acts.