Spain faces this Sunday one of the last days of the heatwave with less heat than in the previous days, since no capital is expected to exceed 40 degrees, although warnings continue for significantly high temperatures in the Canary Islands and areas of the southern half of the peninsula and the Ebro valley.

The second half of the August long weekend, which will end on Tuesday, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, will be characterized by a progressive drop in temperatures.

The prediction of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), indicates that temperatures drop in much of the southern half of the peninsula and the Canary Islands, and rise somewhat in the Cantabrian area.

The hottest capitals could be Córdoba (39 degrees) and Ciudad Real Granada, Jaén and Toledo (38), while it will soften especially in Oviedo (23) and A Coruña and Santander (24).

Despite this, the heat continues to tighten and, specifically, thirteen provinces will be on alert for high temperatures: Córdoba and Jaén at significant risk (orange), and Granada, Seville, Zaragoza, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo and Madrid at risk (yellow).

For its part, the Canary Islands are still immersed in their first heat wave of this summer with warnings of extreme heat, rough seas and suspended dust that reduces visibility to less than 3,000 meters throughout the archipelago.

In the province of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria will be at extreme risk (red) and Fuerteventura and Lanzarote will be on orange alert, while in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and Tenerife will also have orange warning.

Thus, the seven islands of the archipelago will say goodbye to the heat wave this Sunday with temperatures that could reach 40ºC, in addition to a yellow warning for suspended dust. Likewise, all the islands except Lanzarote and Fuerteventura will be under yellow warning due to coastal phenomena.

As for the peninsula, Meteorology has activated the orange warning for 40 degrees in areas of Córdoba (Campiña) and Jaén (Guadalquivir valley), and yellow for 36 to 39 degrees, depending on the area, in places in Albacete, Ciudad Real , Córdoba, Cuenca, Granada, Guadalajara, Madrid, Seville, Toledo and Zaragoza.

On the other hand, the sun will shine in most of the country, with exceptions. Thus, there will be clouds in the north of Galicia and the western half of the Cantabrian area, where it could rain lightly.

Intervals of morning low clouds are also expected in the rest of Galicia and surrounding areas south of the Cantabrian Sea, as well as in the Mediterranean area.

Likewise, in the interior of the northeast quadrant and areas of the southeast, clouds of diurnal evolution will form, with a low probability of an isolated shower or storm.

Finally, this Sunday the trade winds will blow in the Canary Islands, with strong intervals between islands; Levante in the Strait subsiding and generally weak winds in the rest of Spain. Will the temperatures drop?

The second half of the August long weekend, which will end on Tuesday, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, will be characterized by a progressive drop in temperatures.

Declining temperatures are expected throughout the peninsula and the Canary Islands, although meteorologists predict that the drop will be even more notable in Asturias and Alborán.

On Monday the temperatures will drop slightly again, with the exception of Asturias, where the maximum will rise; while on Tuesday the trend will be reversed: there will be thermal decreases in the Canary Islands and increases in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with temperatures “within normal values ??for the time of year”, which may still exceed 34 degrees even in the Canary Islands.

In a large part of the country, clear skies will predominate, although in the northwest of the peninsula an inactive Atlantic front will leave cloudy skies, which will extend from west to east, with precipitation in the north of Galicia and west of Asturias, without ruling it out in surrounding areas.