Once again, in the near future, Catalonia will return, peaceful and willing to be a good neighbor, if it is also shown a good neighbor; rough, distracted and a source of permanent problems, if tortured. For the good of all nations, and especially Spain, one can express the fervent hope that Catalonia will see the end of its tragic interlude”… These prophetic words written in exile 77 years ago by doctor Josep Trueta in the The last paragraph of his book The Spirit of Catalonia (Oxford University Press, 1946) describe with rabid relevance the origin of the conflict between Catalonia and Spain since time immemorial.

Today, in a countdown scenario, on a planet with global and local challenges that may affect the survival of our own species, it is more necessary than ever to face the political confrontation between Catalonia and Spain in a constructive and consensual manner, with vision of State and without partisan interests… Now is the time to go more united than ever, because as long as we remember that we share a future we will survive… because in the near future, which is already very present, only nations that adapt very quickly to exponential changes, and above all learn from them, will be the ones that will win… the rest will be condemned to live in absolute and permanent ostracism… in exceptional circumstances, we need exceptional actions… we are facing unique moments in our history, and for Therefore, an attitude of maximum generosity and commitment is necessary to overcome these obstacles and face these transcendent times that we have had to live because our tomorrow depends on us, and only on us!

For some years now, in our country we have been immersed in a perverse loop that can end the achievements and democratic freedoms of the last decades, and not only the democratic achievements, here everything is in danger… starting with the dignity of each other… The limits of the law, the lack of respect and recognition, and mentalities anchored in the past have prevented having the flexibility and open-mindedness to seek new horizons and manage to preserve unity, while respecting and recognizing the rights, duties and the resources of Catalonia and of the Catalans… changing this vicious circle into a virtuous circle is a great challenge, but also a great opportunity!

Spain does not have a territorial problem with Catalonia… it has a model problem, a model problem that affects territoriality, but not the other way around… realizing this concept is the key to the solution… a solution that involves resolving the four “R” of the equation:

The R1 of RESPECT… mutual respect for education, culture, language, institutions, approved laws, the will of the Catalans,…

The R2 of RECOGNITION… recognition of the contribution of Catalonia to the progress of Spain in all aspects and vice versa… recognition of history, culture and the fact of Catalan identity within a plurinational Spain…

The R3 of RESOURCES… is no longer just about promoting the equitable and fair distribution of resources between territories, eliminating once and for all the fiscal and structural imbalance, but also simply complying, systematically, with resources committed in the general budget of the State. It is not a question of territorial lack of solidarity, but of economic justice, because although it is fair that those who have the most pay the most (but with a limit), it is also fair that those who receive the most have a limit, otherwise the risk runs out. danger of settling into the subsidy culture undermining the joint ability to create future entrepreneurship and wealth.

And now to finish the R4 of ROCA, which means the base, the cornerstone, the foundation without which it is not possible to build an exciting, common and shared project for the future in order to tackle with guarantees the existential challenges that we have around our corner. from the corner.

Certainly, the moment that concerns us is extremely complicated and exceptionally uncertain, but now or never, the opportunity is unbeatable… we would do well to listen to Dr. Trueta (and his The Spirit of Catalonia) and reset our reciprocal grievances, because In a fast-paced world, a little less law and a little more wisdom are needed, less repression and much more conversation, more reflection and less reaction… Time is running out for confrontations, threats, exiles, repression and regrets… now it’s time to start again and build a model of a country that excites and inspires, despite the differences, everyone without exception, to face the challenges of an exponential world that will demand the best of each and every one of us to lead us towards a new progress , towards a new future where disruption frees us from extinction.