The rules seem to be clear, but there are times when ingenuity prevails and manages to find those loopholes that the law had not foreseen. Thus, a German citizen from the town of Rottweil has managed to neutralize a mobile speed radar in an unusual but completely legal way.

This clever neighbor decided to deliberately park his caravan in front of a speedometer, thus making his task impossible and preventing this device from being able to detect all the drivers who exceeded the permitted speed limit.

What is striking about the case is that, as a council spokesperson explained the following day, the driver did not breach any applicable regulations, as he had parked his caravan in a designated parking lot and had moved his vehicle 24 hours after the incident. Therefore, he will not have to pay any type of penalty.

This unique episode takes place at a time when in the region of Baden-Württemberg, to which Rottweil belongs, the number of fines for speeding has increased as a result of the greater use of fixed speed cameras. The disabled speed radar is usually found on a busy city road, especially by school buses and parents dropping off and picking up their children from nearby schools.

The decision to install the radar in that location was based on concern for road safety expressed by residents of the area, who have reported dangerous traffic situations. Therefore, this driver’s idea, although legal, could have created very dangerous situations.

The comments on social networks, despite the fact that a misfortune could have occurred, have been quite positive for the owner of the caravan. Some have even proposed that they receive the Bundesverdienstkreuz, which is Germany’s Federal Cross of Merit for this supposed favor to the community.