Paying with a card is very comfortable, but it also has its dangers. If we fall into the clutches of a criminal, we can end up with our empty account. For this reason, it is important to put a series of tips into practice, especially in summer, when the use of the card can skyrocket and when the heat and holidays can cause us to relax too much, explain the experts from the HelpMyCash financial product comparator. com.

“It is important to configure the security of our card before using it so as not to take unnecessary risks, never lose sight of it and be careful when buying online,” say the comparator experts.

Most banks allow you to configure the security of the cards to suit the customer. In addition to being able to temporarily turn them off with a couple of clicks through the app and turn them on when you are going to use them, some banks allow you to set a daily limit, disable online purchases or restrict the use of the card abroad, they point out in HelpMyCash.

In addition, we can activate notifications to receive an alert each time the card is used.

It is advisable to always have the card in sight. Whether it is when paying in a supermarket, in a taxi or in a restaurant, it is not a good idea to give your card to anyone. We must always check the amount that the POS shows and pass the card through the dataphone ourselves, this way we will avoid being charged an incorrect amount or having our card data stolen, say HelpMyCash sources.

We must only buy on pages that meet certain security standards and that are trustworthy. That is, pages whose URL begins with https and is preceded by a small padlock, that have a visible legal notice and conditions policy, and that show some way to contact the company.

There are certain characteristics that can alert us: if the page is not well written, if all the products have the same price or are excessively cheap, or if there are sections of the web that do not work, we should be suspicious.

If we end up putting our card details on a fraudulent page, it is most likely that we will be charged and we will not receive the product or that unauthorized charges will be made to our card.

Some banks have released innovative cards to fight against online fraud. This is the case of BBVA, whose Aqua cards, in addition to not having printed numbers (the holder can only consult them through the bank’s app), have a CVV that keeps changing. In this way, if someone steals the card data, they will not be able to use it to buy online, because the CVV will change. To get a free Aqua debit card, all you have to do is open an online account with no commissions and no payroll at BBVA (offer only for new customers).

If our card has been stolen or we have shared our data with a cybercriminal, we must block the card as soon as possible, to avoid greater evils.

If we have to block a card, we would appreciate having another one that we can use while we receive a new one at our address.

For this reason, experts recommend having at least two checking accounts, each with its respective card, in case one fails, is lost, is swallowed by an ATM or has to be blocked due to theft. “We can open an account to use in an emergency that has no commissions or conditions in many banks, taking advantage of the offers launched by many entities to gain new customers,” they say in HelpMyCash.

For example, the Banco Sabadell Online Account for new customers has no maintenance fees or payroll and includes a debit card with no issuance or renewal fees. In addition, it can also be used as a savings account, because it has a return of 2.5% APR the first year up to 30,000 euros.

The Santander Online Account for new clients does not have commissions or ties, like the EVO Banco Smart Account. And both include a free card.