At first they are novel, which is why they arouse curiosity and fascination for their modernity in those who are not familiar with them. Smart locks represent the evolution of a traditional lock, only in an electronic and computerized version. Therefore, instead of having a cylinder in which you have to insert a key to open the door, they are activated by another system that can vary greatly depending on the type of system on which said smart lock is based. Generally, through a fingerprint or other biometric function, from an application downloaded to the mobile device or thanks to a card.

The main advantage of smart locks is their versatility and convenience. Depending on the type, it might not be necessary to carry anything with you, much less keys, to enter and leave the house. There are also those that can be controlled remotely, which will be a luxury to open the door to friends or family who need access at some point. And they also serve to calm the minds of all those clueless people who suffer from not being sure if they closed the door or not, since they can easily consult it. But, unfortunately, not all could be advantages, since smart locks suffer from a series of cybersecurity risks that should not be underestimated.

The first risk of smart locks is that they are physically more vulnerable than a traditional lock. While the latter must focus their security on preventing someone from manipulating or forcing them through physical methods, smart locks have this problem and, in addition, the challenge of also being resistant from a cybernetic point of view. The result is that, for the consumer, it can be a challenge to find a device that meets these two requirements and that is secure enough that they cannot be opened with a screwdriver or a sharp object. And that, in turn, withstand attacks on their cybersecurity thanks to software that is not vulnerable.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that smart locks directly depend on a good system of effective and regular software updates. This is something that is key for the system to remain secure and not succumb to new attempts to break down its security barriers. But not only that, the user must make sure that their lock is always updated because, otherwise, it could happen in the event that it stops working due to not having received the necessary new implementations.

However, the obsolescence of these devices complicates the task, since some models may simply be discontinued or not be compatible. So there will be no updates to keep your security up to date.