If there is a technology that has been booming in recent years, that is 360 cameras. These devices, also known as omnidirectional cameras, have the peculiarity of being able to record in a field of vision that includes 360 degrees. A totally different and novel experience when compared to the traditional system that only allowed capturing what was in front of the 180 degree lens. With this technology the image can be received in all directions.

But what is the great success of these cameras? One of the main reasons has to do with another phenomenon: that of virtual reality. This technology is evolving and improving year after year and, to increase the sensation of veracity and reality of this, 360 cameras play a fundamental role. Although there is also another reason and that is 360 degree images and videos, excellent for events, for example, due to their highly immersive capacity.

These types of cameras have various applications, either for creative or artistic and commercial purposes, which is why many people are interested in getting one of their models. However, before taking the plunge, it is important to take into account a series of aspects about 360 cameras.

360 cameras are mainly divided into monoscopic and stereoscopic, so the first step will be to opt for one type or another. The former are based on a system of several cameras that record synchronously and, after processing, unite everything captured by each of them into a single final file. This is how the 360 ​​experience is created. In contrast, stereoscopic cameras work through two lenses and their resolution is lower.

Of all the models that can be found on the market, choosing one can be a complicated task. Therefore, it will be necessary to look at a series of details to decide.