While the “progressive block” has acted perfectly together, the right-wing block has shown its differences, which, without becoming insurmountable, have suffered some disappointment. However, both the PP and Vox say they will try to safeguard the agreement reached ten days ago, when the far-right party announced that it will support an investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, without demanding anything in return , and in the first place with the resignation to enter a hypothetical government.

The fact that the PP has not supported the candidate of the formation of Santiago A bascal to have a place in the Table has left the president of the far-right formation “perplexed”, who has recognized that there was no agreement and that , therefore, the PP “has not broken any pact”, but it is “an ungenerous action”, as he said. Ungenerous not only because Vox, which is the “third force of Congress”, Abascal stressed, has been left without representation in the governing body of the House, but because of what it supposes to be “contempt” for his party. One more on the list, sources from this formation indicate, since Feijóo, as soon as he had the opportunity, distanced himself from Abascal.

“We are a little perplexed, because it does not seem that allowing the third political force in Spain to remain outside the Table of the Congress of Deputies is precisely to recover democratic normality and the neutrality of the institutions and, therefore, it is very difficult for me to answer ”, admitted Abascal when he was asked about whether they kept their 33 deputies in the service of the PP for an attempted investiture of Feijóo. Vox referred yesterday to the document sent on the 6th in which it was reported that the party will support an alternative “for the recovery of the neutrality of the institutions”. The same phrase uttered by Abascal, with which he left his support in the air.

Already from the beginning of the day of the constitution of the Congress, which ended with the election of Francina Armengol as president of the Chamber, it was seen that the harmony between the PP and Vox was not what was expected. So when the votes cast began to be read out loud, it was clearly seen that those of Abascal had voted for their candidate, Ignacio Gil Lázaro, and not Cuca Gamarra. And here the versions differ. While from the PP he assures that what had been discussed with Vox was his support for Gamarra if in the first vote Armengol did not obtain an absolute majority, which would show that there was no agreement with Junts, and, therefore , Gamarra had the possibility of coming out in the second vote by simple majority, from Vox it is explained that it was a call early in the morning – in which the PP informed them that they would not give them their votes – that made the change the name of the ballot, in favor of his deputy Gil Lázaro. The PP’s response was that if there was already an agreement between the PSOE and Junts, it made no sense to cede any of its seats to the Bureau, because nothing would be achieved in return.

The PP, with Cuca Gamarra at the head, maintains that the constitution of the Bureau was one thing and the investiture another. “They are different things,” emphasized Gamarra, and that is why the PP maintains confidence in Vox’s support for Feijóo. Even if he has it, the PP leader’s chances of being invested remain remote, because the PNB again gave its no to the popular people. Difficult situation, even if Sánchez is not guaranteed any support beyond that of Sumar, as yesterday they took care to highlight from EH Bildu to Junts, passing through ERC or PNB.

But for Alberto Núñez Feijóo, they are very valuable votes, because when he is called to consultations by the King, in the round that will begin in the next few days, he will be able to tell him that he has 171 or 172 supports, depending on what the Canary Coalition does in the end , while Pedro Sánchez will not be able to say that he has secured more than 152, those that add up the PSOE and Sumar.

With this, Feijóo could go to an investiture if the King entrusts him with the formation of a government, although it could be unsuccessful, but he could take advantage of it as the first act of an electoral campaign, as long as Sánchez does not get, first, the votes needed for your

Abascal, for his part, reserved the meaning of his supports for this round of contacts. He assured that he himself will be the one to inform Felipe VI who his parliamentary group supports, with an attitude that is clearly upset with the popular people for having excluded them from the Table.