After a rainy Easter, April will continue with rain until this Wednesday, although it will be limited to the northwest quadrant. Meanwhile, temperatures will begin to rise generally from this Tuesday and especially at the end of the week, to be above what is usual for the time, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

For this Tuesday, the arrival of an Atlantic front to the Peninsula is expected, which will leave cloudy skies or covered with precipitation in Galicia and Asturias, tending to extend, although generally weakly, to the rest of the Cantabrian area, upper Ebro, Pyrenees. western, Castilla y León and northern Extremadura throughout the afternoon as the front advances.

Winds from the south will also blow, with a predominance at first of the west component in Mediterranean areas, and being more intense in the Cantabrian and northwest quadrant, reaching strong with very strong gusts in Galicia and the Cantabrian mountain range, where yellow warnings have been activated. and oranges.

As the week progresses, the anticyclone will gain ground and only precipitation is expected on the Galician coast. On the weekend, rainfall will be likely in the western peninsula and the Canary Islands, the agency continues.

Temperatures, “cool for the season” at Easter, will begin to recover this Tuesday. Maximum temperatures will increase across the board, sharply in the interior of the east and southeast of the peninsula, and except for decreases on Mediterranean coasts. The minimums will rise more markedly in Galicia and peninsular Mediterranean areas.

That will be the trend for the next few days, when “temperatures above normal” will be reached, according to Aemet spokesperson Rubén del Campo.

Although the forecast for the weekend is still uncertain, it is most likely that temperatures will continue to rise on Friday and that that day and Saturday they could reach 25 degrees in large areas of the country. It would even be around 28 to 30 degrees for those dates in parts of the Cantabrian Sea and also in Andalusia and in the interior of the Region of Murcia.