“The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) regrets and denounces the very serious and false accusations made by Tamara Ramos, a former co-worker of President Luis Rubiales when he directed the Spanish Football Players Association (AFE)”.

This is how the first point of the statement that the RFEF has made public this afternoon in relation to events that did not take place in this body reads. The governing body of Spanish football adds that it has already taken legal measures “understanding that statements of such magnitude and so defamatory cannot be tolerated that the only thing they want is to damage the image of Luis Rubiales by taking advantage of the current media current”.

The statement added that the complainant “has maintained personal contact with President Luis Rubiales throughout this time and has even sent him family images, congratulated him on his birthday, and even recently requested a job in the Federation.”

Ramos denounced Rubiales for workplace harassment 10 years ago and this morning he referred to the fact in “El Programa del verano” on Telecinco. According to her account, the events occurred when she worked as AFE marketing director under Rubiales.

“He has a very good speech, with a lot of demagogy. And it is difficult, even more so being a woman, that they would have believed me. I have experienced humiliation, blows and words that I cannot repeat due to the schedule, but it has been outrageous for a long time.”

The complainant has indicated that the current federative president asked her about the color of her underwear. “In front of everyone he said sarcastically: ‘Come on, you’ve come here to put on your knee pads,'” he denounced a comment with a clear sexual and vexatious content.