Pedri was smiling and shouting with emotion when, in the 82nd minute of the match against Cadiz, he opened the scoreboard at the Lluís Companys stadium and put Barça on course for their first triumph in the League. The joy, however, was short-lived for the canary, who was injured in yesterday’s training session with the Blaugrana.

The one from Tenerife suffers a tear in the anterior rectus of the right thigh, the umpteenth injury of the brilliant footballer, 20 years old, in recent seasons. As confirmed by La Vanguardia, Pedri will be out for more than a month and will not reappear until well into October. Therefore, in principle, he will miss a minimum of five League games and the first two of the Champions League. The antecedents invite caution, so more than ever their “evolution will mark their availability”.

Last season Pedri suffered a break in the same area during the match at the Camp Nou against Manchester United and the desire to line him up in the League classic on March 19 caused a relapse that had him more than two months off, a total of 11 games. The one from Tegueste reappeared against Atlético and after five games, once the game against Espanyol on matchday 34 was over, he ended the season due to “discomfort in his right thigh”. Mindful of his continuous physical setbacks, Pedri opted for caution and did not play in June’s UEFA Nations League with, which ended up as champions. After a recuperative vacation and a pre-season without national team tournaments, the midfielder started this campaign playing 79 minutes in the draw at Getafe and played the entire match against Cadiz.

Now Barça is losing a key piece again, a Pedri who has not had regularity since his marathon 2020-2021 season, in which he played 73 games between Barça and different categories of the Spanish national team, without suffering any injury. He took part in four Blaugrana competitions and that summer represented the national team in the Eurocup and the Olympic Games, in addition to playing in six overtimes. Since then, the canary has missed 45 games for Blaugrana due to muscle problems.