Knowing how to create a website by yourself is a worthwhile skill to develop. You don’t necessarily need to be a talented coder if you want to start making websites from scratch since there is so much reliable website-building software on the market. Website creation can help you to get your foot in the door for many various career paths as well as help if you plan to start your own business. Here’s what you must remember when you design your first website.

Know Your Primary Users

Who are you planning to build this website for? Putting yourself in the shoes of your intended users will give you a much clearer idea about which decisions to make. What might seem like a good website at first could be unsuitable for its particular audience since not every demographic has the same expectations for website usability.

Choose Functionality Over Style

The way that your website operates should be more of a priority to you than how it looks. Of course, visual design choices can contribute to the functionality of a site, but unnecessary style aspects should be saved until you have completely ensured that your website works smoothly. Sometimes what seems like a clever design addition can in fact slow down your website, so it’s important to know how to strike this balance.

Make It Accessible for Everyone

There is little point in making a website that a large portion of the population won’t be able to access. Around one in four people in the United States has a disability of some kind. Once you look up the best accessibility widgets for websites, you will be able to include these useful features on your site. People with loss of vision or hearing can still navigate the digital world when small adjustments have been made. By adding these to your first website, you will get into the habit of making your future websites more accessible too.

Use Simple Language and Symbols

Over-complicating the information and content of your website will put people off using it. Even if the subject matter is complex, your website should be able to present it in a manageable way to avoid intimidation. Divide information into chunks and create separate pages when needed. For links, use only straightforward wording and symbols so that any visitor can easily navigate.

Keep It Cohesive

If the different pages of your website don’t flow together well, this will cause a jarring experience for your users. Make sure that every detail makes sense as part of the overall website. If you are designing for a business, use its visual identity to keep the different pages all connected to the brand.

Once you have gained confidence in your basic web-building skills, it’s time to test them out. Before you get started on your first website, remember to think about your main users, focus on function, make it accessible, use clear communication, and tie everything together neatly. Hopefully, this quick guide has given you the basics to build a strong initial website.