A dispute over an inheritance fueled the fight that two brothers had last Monday in a garage in Cádiz, in which one of them killed the other with a blow from an iron bar, according to police sources.

According to what the brother who survived – and who is in the hospital with wounds from several gunshots – told the police, the brothers, aged 63 and 68, had met this morning in the garage of a building on Pintor Godoy Street to sign some documents relating to an inheritance.

Once there they began to fight and during the dispute, the younger brother, 63 years old, shot the older brother with a short gun, and the older brother, 69 years old, dealt him a fatal blow with an iron bar.

The Police learned of the events around 7:00 in the morning, when a neighbor from the La Laguna neighborhood saw that on Pintor Godoy Street there was a man crying and saying that he had been shot several times.

Several patrols went to the scene and located the man, with several wounds caused by the impact of ammunition from a firearm. They later located his brother dead inside the garage.

The brother injured by a firearm was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of completed homicide and has been transferred to the Puerta del Mar Hospital, where he is being treated for his wounds and injuries.

In turn, the National Police maintains an investigation open to clarify the circumstances of this case of violence between family members.