The Government of Gibraltar has denounced the implementation by the Spanish authorities of a new passport control system at the border, a measure “without prior notice” that is implying an obstacle to fluidity at the border crossing, therefore that Gibraltar has threatened reprisals if no explanation is forthcoming.

In a statement, the Executive headed by Fabian Picardo has indicated that the new practice involves scanning a significant number of passports, including those of Gibraltar resident red card holders, as well as some Spanish citizens, and that even some identity documents are being scanned.

This, together with the increase in the number of people crossing the border at the height of the summer tourist season, has caused long queues and considerable inconvenience for thousands of people arriving in Gibraltar, many of them Spanish.

The Government of the Rock has already requested clarification from Spain and ensures that the United Kingdom will also do so.

The Gibraltarian authorities warn that, “in the event that no explanation is obtained, or that the explanation is not reasonable in the circumstances, the Government of Gibraltar will reciprocate and gradually from next week.”

This means that cross-border workers who are not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement will need to ensure that they have valid travel documents available for inspection on entry into Gibraltar.

“Those who are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement will have to prove it by presenting valid travel and identity documents on a daily basis,” warns the Government of Gibraltar, which has lamented a situation that “occurs after the action taken by Spain, in for which no explanation has yet been received.

“The Government will not hesitate to apply new passport and identity document scanning measures, and other measures if necessary, for non-British citizens, as well as apply new queue management protocols, if there are no changes,” they warn. .

This situation occurs right in the middle of a scale of tension in relations between Spain and Gibraltar, with recent incidents such as the ‘Gas Venus’ oil spill, Gibraltar’s complaints about the actions of the Customs Surveillance Service and the imputation of several crimes against a Spanish fisherman for fishing in waters close to the Rock.