Andreu Camps, general secretary of the RFEF, asked UEFA to intercede to defend Luis Rubiales against the interventionism of the Government of Spain, according to Onda Cero. The director of the Federation, a trusted man of the President, sent a letter of complaint to the European body on Friday, before FIFA disqualified the Spanish leader.

Camps accepted the statutes of the organization chaired by Aleksander Ceferin, which stipulates that the associations will settle their affairs “independently and without undue influence from third parties.” “Any body or decision of a body that has not been elected or appointed in accordance with said procedure, even provisionally, will not be recognized by UEFA,” the regulation adds. However, UEFA will not take any decision against the participation of Spanish clubs and teams in their competitions, despite the complaint made by the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) to act for possible government interference.

Camps’ request could lead to UEFA suspending the RFEF, which could cause the expulsion of Spanish clubs and the national team from tournaments that are under the umbrella of the European entity. “From the Government we believe that today there is no risk of exclusion for Spanish clubs or for the Spanish team in European competitions,” said the president of the CSD, Víctor Francos.

It should be remembered that in addition to being president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales is also vice president of UEFA. Continuing with the information from the station, the highest body of European football has not ruled on the Rubiales case due, among other things, to the personal friendship that Ceferin maintains with the Spanish leader.

In the Federation assembly convened this Monday, the interim president, Pedro Rocha, must mark the new road map of the federal entity without Rubiales at the helm and one of the aspects to be discussed will be the order launched by Camps to the Government. On the table will be to follow that path or, on the contrary, withdraw the demand from UEFA.