Hard Monday for the humorist and content creator Nerea Pérez de las Heras and for all those who follow her exploits on social networks. The woman, who presents the Sadremos Mejores podcast together with the television station Inés Hernand, has announced that she has been disconnected from the Internet for a few weeks because she suffered an accident at sea, an event for which part of her leg had to be amputated and that could have cost life.

“On Sunday, July 23, while the country was voting, I had an accident at sea that will make me celebrate my birthday twice a year,” the communicator began by writing in the post that she uploaded to Instagram.

”Ana and Carmen took me out of the water -which was a red soup around us- I put on a tourniquet, asked for water, informed my blood group, Arden called an ambulance. We have not been more alert in life. I remained “alert, conscious, oriented”, as the medical report says, for hours, until the first operating room,” the young activist explained in detail.

A little later, the young woman explained that her life was saved at the Mateu Orfila hospital and that from there they sent her by plane to Son Espases in Mallorca, where she spent six days in the resuscitation unit. “Three emergency surgeries and a failed bypass later, they amputated part of my right leg,” the creator confessed to the astonishment of thousands of fans.

Pérez de las Heras uploaded said post to share his situation, but also to explain to people that the month he has been in bed has not been a month of silence (as has been seen on social networks), but quite the opposite. : ”It has been a month of machine beeps that kept me alive, of beeps from messages and calls that kept me alive, of talking and listening to doctors, friends, assistants, sisters, brothers… tell me the most beautiful and most important in my life. To hear from Ana that she hasn’t stopped pulling me out of the water constantly since the 23rd.

Inés Hernand’s friend shared with her followers her intention to gradually thank all those to whom she had to give it, just as she wanted to make it clear that she was very proud and grateful to have the wonderful public health that we have In our country.

The publication, which was filled in a matter of minutes with thousands of comments of encouragement and support, ended with a quote from Frida Kahlo: “Feet so that I want you if I have wings to fly.” At the moment, it is unknown what really happened in the ocean and what caused the presenter’s accident.