With just over ten days to go before a new school year is inaugurated in the Community of Madrid, the unions face this start with “doubts” that the delays in the coverage of teaching positions may affect the normal start of it.

This is underlined, in statements to Europa Press, by the Secretary of Education of UGT Servicios Públicos Madrid, Teresa Jusdado, who warns that “there is no time to organize the start of classes” with selection processes and allocation of places “not yet completely resolved” due to “errors or claims” when the Community of Madrid is, together with Catalonia, “the only one that begins on the 6th” – the 7th for Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and ESO-.

From UGT Madrid they insist that in the three business days between September 1 and 6 it is not possible to resolve the organization of schedules, the reception of teachers or the allocation of groups without counting on the extraordinary admission of September.

For the General Secretary of Education of CCOO Madrid, Isabel Galvín, this is an “unprecedented” situation and she has blamed these problems on the “political decision” of the Government of the Community to add to the processes of competition for merits and stabilization developed in the country as a whole, the ordinary process of oppositions, after which he has highlighted the “more than 4,000 claims” presented by the affected teachers.

All this will cause, stresses the representative of CC.OO., that the school year begins “with many badly assigned teachers” or “without appointed teachers” for some classes, with “1,300 more vacancies” than destinations delivered, which will have “a direct impact on the quality of the system” and also supposes a violation “of the rights of the teaching staff”, which is generating “discomfort” in the centers and among the teachers.

For his part, the president of Education of CSIF Madrid, Miguel Ángel González, has underlined the “doubts” that his union has about the start of the course “is normal”. “If everything goes late, it is difficult for the assigned personnel and the schedules to be available by September 6 or 7,” González remarked, who recalls that until August 21 they did not have the definitive lists, with which It is questioned whether the extraordinary allocation can be closed by September 4, as expected.

The educational manager of CSIF Madrid warns that in the “most complicated or demanded” specialties, such as Vocational Training, some groups may be “months without a teacher” and “in one in three centers a teacher may be missing.”

To this is added, he explains, that this year there are cases of teachers who, through the merit contest, have obtained a place in other communities but continue to have theirs assigned as interim in Madrid where “they will not be”, which It supposes a series of vacancies that “will have to be filled urgently” on September 1.

A problem, explains González, that affects secondary schools, art schools, or FP centers more, since “there have been oppositions” and “stabilization has gotten in the way”, but he warns that “if the tables do not change” , this problem “will be repeated next year in Primary”.

In this sense, the secretary of the Education Area of ??CSIT Unión Profesional, Julia Díaz, predicts a “warm” start to the course and has recalled other requests from teachers such as the recovery of the 35-hour work week or the reduction of hours school.

Díaz trusts that “the problems of awarding places will be corrected” “because the course starts now” and agrees with other organizations that “not all centers will have their staff on time.”

Isabel Galvín also agrees on the “tension and mobilization” that can mark the beginning of the course “if the Ministry does not make a move” given the “perspectives of remuneration” for the teaching staff, the number of teaching hours, the excess of bureaucracy or the lack of professionals for attention to diversity.