A total of 2,619 lightning strikes have struck land within the territory of the Valencian Community in the last 24 hours, 1,316 of them in Valencia, 863 in Castellón and 440 in Alicante, according to information from the territorial delegation of the State Meteorological Agency ( Aemet).

In this episode of storms, a tuba was recorded on Saturday afternoon in Chiva (Valencia), which seemed to touch land in the form of a tornado, marine sleeves on the Alicante coast and a gust of 115 kilometers per hour at the airport de València caused by a wet blowout, also late on Saturday. Other notable gusts of wind have been the 72 km/h in Utiel; Xàtiva, 62; Vilafranca, 58; Chelva, 54; Carcaixent, Torreblanca and and Castelló.

According to Aemet, the storm with a lot of lightning has moved this Sunday morning from the northwest to the southeast and large clearings have begun to open up in the cleared areas, with a general drop in temperatures in the Valencian Community, except on the southern coast of Alicante.

The intensity of the storms has been “strong” and “very strong” in regions south of Valencia and north of Alicante and in towns such as Benidorm hail has also fallen. The accumulated precipitation since midday on Saturday during the episode of storms, according to Aemet and data from the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ), has been 48.6 l/m2 in Ròtova; 44.8 l/m2 in Vallibona; 33.2 l/m2 in Montaverner; 33 l/m2 in Ontinyent; 32.2 l/m2 in Villalonga; 31 l/m2 in Miramar; 30.4 l/m2 in Xàtiva; 29.8 l/m2 in Vila-real; 28 l/m2 in Agres; 27.6 l/m2 in Vilafranca; 27.4 l/m2 in Estubeny.

Those accumulated in Alcora are also noteworthy (27.0 l/m2); Murla (26.6 l/m2); Barx (26.6 l/m2); Pine (26.2 l/m2); Castellón (26.2 l/m2); the Font de la Figuera (25.8 l/m2); Refrigerated (25.2 l/m2); Morella (24.6 l/m2); Alcohol (23.8 l/m2); UPV Valencia (22.2 l/m2); Castellfort (20.3 l/m2); Valencia (20.3 l/m2); Carcaixent (20.2 l/m2); Fontanars dels Alforins (19.8 l/m2) and Polinyà (18.2 l/m2).

Likewise, the drop in temperatures has been widespread, except on the southern coast of Alicante where the early morning has still been very warm, torrid in some observatories. However, there has been a change in the air mass so humid that it has been had for weeks by a very dry one, which gives rise to the thermal sensation being a cool environment.

The highest minimums have been in Orihuela (26.0 degrees), Rojales (25.7º), Alicante (25.6º), Alicante-Elche airport (24.6º) and Elche (23.9º), according to the data released by Aemet on their social networks.

In the observatories in the south of Valencia and in the north of Alicante, such a low temperature has not been recorded since June 5 and 6. For example, in Miramar (la Safor) this Sunday 18.3º have been registered and since June 5 there was no lower temperature (18.2º).

Likewise, in Alcoi 14.6º have been registered this Sunday. You have to go back to June 6 to see a lower temperature (13.8º). In Valencia the minimum was 20.3º, although on August 5 the minimum was somewhat lower, 20.0º while in Castelló de la Plana the minimum was 20.7 ºC.