The Italian journalist Andrea Giambruno, a partner of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, could put the leader of the Brothers of Italy in trouble for a controversial phrase about the latest group rapes that have shocked the country. During the television broadcast of the Diario del Giorno program, he said, speaking of a case in Palermo, that “if you avoid getting drunk”, you also avoid “the wolf”.

“If you are going to dance, you have every right to get drunk, there should not be any kind of misunderstanding. But if you avoid getting drunk and losing consciousness, perhaps you also avoid certain problems because later you find the wolf”, assured the Mediaset presenter.

Last week it became known that two 13-year-old cousins ??were raped by a group of six teenagers in the province of Naples, who have already been arrested. The case came to light after another very similar one, the gang rape of a 19-year-old girl by seven young men, one of them a minor, who got her drunk and took her to a remote area of ??Palermo before abusing her. of her in turns.

Giambruno had previously defined rapists as “beasts”, but he agreed with the opinion of the editor of the Libero newspaper, Pietro Senaldi, a guest on the program, who had suggested to the women “not to lose consciousness, to remain capable of understanding and want”.

The reaction has not been long in coming, both in social networks and in the opposition. The senator of the Democratic Party (PD) Cecilia D’Elia, vice president of the commission of investigation on femicides, has lamented an incriminating attitude against women. “They fail not to blame women. Violence is always a bit his fault. Do not go out alone, do not go where it is dark, do not dress provocatively. Now Giambruno also tells us: if you don’t get drunk they don’t rape you. Nothing, in the end women and their lifestyle are judged ”, he lamented.

Another Social Democrat deputy, Sara Ferrari, has affirmed that this is the “Italian machismo that in the face of a rape accuses the victim of her behavior because she has sought it that way, as if finding the wolf was the ineluctable destiny of all drunk girls”. “Does Mediaset have no objection?” Asked Irene Manzi, a member of the PD secretariat.

Several parliamentarians from the 5 Star Movement, also in the opposition, have protested arguing that the words of the Prime Minister’s couple are “unacceptable and shameful” because they are the “plastic representation of a macho and retrograde culture that constitutes the cultural terrain of violent behaviors”.

Meloni’s sentimental partner, father of her daughter Ginevra, had already been criticized by the progressive press in July for words that were branded as climate denial when joking about the heat wave that was hitting Italy as something that “is not great news ”. A sentence against the German Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach, who had assured that climate change was “destroying southern Europe” and that if things continued like this, tourism in Italy would not have a “long-term” future, also caused a stir. . “If it doesn’t seem right to you, you stay at home. You’re in the Black Forest, you’re fine, aren’t you?” the presenter then stated.