The Provincial Court of Cádiz has prosecuted two former public officials from Ceuta this Tuesday for an alleged crime of administrative prevarication in the return of 55 minors to Morocco in 2021. Those prosecuted are the former Government delegate Salvadora Mateos and the former vice president of the City Mabel Deu (PP). Apparently, the violation occurred repeatedly in mid-August

The Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) has dismissed the appeals filed by both against the September 2023 ruling that prosecuted them. The head of Court number 2 that is investigating the case, and filed the order, understood that both “violated” the national and international regulations that govern these processes.

Currently, the accused are the only ones investigated in the case. In addition, they face a penalty of between 12 to 15 years of disqualification for the crime of continued prevarication. The date for the trial will be determined in the coming days.

The events occurred in mid-August 2021. 55 Moroccan minors, who had entered Ceuta illegally on May 16, 17 and 18, were returned to Morocco. However, this procedure was paralyzed by the courts following complaints from several non-governmental organizations. According to what they declared, the rights of minors were being violated.

Regarding the alleged crime of prevarication in the return of minors, Salvadora Mateos testified on October 5, 2022 as an investigator. On the other hand, Mabel Deu also did so on September 7 of the same year as a necessary cooperator. According to the latter’s testimony, the return of the children was always in line with what the central government dictated.

In this context, Salvadora Mateos was removed from her position at the end of October 2022 by the Council of Ministers. On her side, Mabel Deu rejoined her teaching position in September. This was because Ella Deu did not enter the list with which the PP participated in the regional elections of May 28, 2023.