The world of streaming can be bewildering, if not infuriating. Batman: the animated series, the classic of the nineties that formed a multitude of (then) young viewers, was not available on HBO Max in Spain despite belonging to Warner Bros. But after remaining inaccessible without a justified cause beyond As neglected as the studio’s historical animation catalog is, the series will return, although it will do so on Netflix.

The rival platform has taken over the broadcast rights for the four seasons, which gave a total of 85 episodes and can be seen from September 26. Batman: the animated series, which in 1993 won the Emmy for best television animated series, at the time won criticism for its ability to continue the legacy of Batman, after Tim Burton’s film adaptation, with a tone that was considered more adult despite being designed for all ages.

The tone was darker, the aesthetic had a noir point and it became a tool for many viewers to get to know the villains that faced the Batman and the DC Comics universe better. Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski, like Burton, understood the need to create their own world and find a balance between being suitable for minors and having encouragement for adults who love comics and their respective adaptations.

“We went on the air after the first Batman movie directed by Tim Burton, which was so commercially successful and artistically adventurous that Warner Bros. was willing to take some risks,” Bruce Timm acknowledged to Entertainment Weekly magazine. In fact, he was prompted by then-president of Warner Bros Animation, Jean MacCurdy, who told him that “Batman is not just for kids, but for us to enjoy as well.”

The popularity of the animated series was such, in fact, that Timm extended his ties with Warner Bros Animation beyond the end of the series’ production run, which ran from 1992 to 1995. He developed Superman: The Animated Series with Paul Dini. , which tried to replicate this same mold to the character also known as Clarke Kent, The New Batman Adventures or The Justice League.

With this purchase by Netflix, we have a new example of how barriers are being broken in the streaming universe. Warner Bros. Discovery, in order to obtain a direct economic return from the fictions in its catalogue, has sold the online broadcast rights of HBO’s own series such as Insecure, Ballers or Blood Brothers to Netflix, in addition to this animated Batman.