Patxi López skipped yesterday the discretion that Ferraz announced for the days to come after the meeting of the federal executive of the PSOE –which meant the official slam of a two-year legislature chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo–, and slipped that the week of 17 October could well see an investiture session for Pedro Sánchez as president of the government.

Asked in an interview on RNE about the scenarios being considered at the Socialist Party headquarters, López recommended “not making many plans”, since, although the “parliamentary activity” of his group continues its course to “not lose this month” , everything will speed up as soon as the “fake investiture” of the PP leader, which is predicted to have failed, “has the result it is going to have” after the debate on September 26 and 27. The words of the PSOE spokesman in Congress have a greater impact in an external key than an internal one. Although contacts between the Socialists and their hypothetical allies are frequent, the acting Prime Minister has not yet officially started talks, as Carles Puigdemont himself, de facto leader of Junts, confirmed on Thursday.

But with the simple visualization of an express investiture of Pedro Sánchez for mid-October, the Socialists seek to reprimand and satirize once again “the waste of time” that, in their opinion, the failed attempt to investiture a Feijóo represents for the country. whom they accuse of “turning such a serious issue into little more than vaudeville.”

Even more so with the wide margin of 34 days that the PP managed to get the president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, to grant it to complete its own round of negotiations.

Aware that only the investiture debate will give Feijóo two days of media focus -which would be extended to three in the event that the popular candidate requires a second vote-, the PSOE will appear at the meeting urging the control tower that awards him a runway for takeoff, provided that Felipe VI subsequently proposes Sánchez to attempt his investiture.