The isolated depression at high levels (DANA) that affects the Iberian Peninsula this weekend has begun to unload strongly this Saturday morning in the Valencian Community, with persistent rainfall and very strong intensity in areas of the province of Castellón and the north coast of Valencia. Navarra is also being affected by heavy rainfall. The region of Pamplona (Navarra) has experienced one of the biggest episodes of water since there are records

The showers are being widespread and intense but, in general, of short duration, except in areas of the province of Castellón and the north coast of Valencia, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The first rainfalls have left accumulated 185 liters per square meter (l/m2) in Borriol, 154 in Vilafamés, 127 in Pobla Tornesa, 63.4 in Sarratella, 41.8 in Vall d’Alba, 36.4 in Marines , 35.2 in the María Cristina reservoir, 21.8 in Serra, 15.2 in Andilla, 14.0 in Algar del Palancia, 12.6 in Valencia and 9.8 in Castelló de la Plana, according to the records of Aemet, Avamet and the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation.

As Aemet has explained, cloud systems and precipitation have moved from south to north, driven by the mid-layer southerly guiding wind on the eastern flank of the DANA. Specifically, in Castellón the main movement has been from southeast to west.

The Plana Alta and the Plana Baixa have been the regions most affected by the rains this Saturday morning. In the Morico Valley, in Borriol, up to 132 l/m2 have accumulated, according to data from the Valencian Meteorological Association (Avamet).

The rains have caused a total of 7.6 kilometers of retention on the AP-7 in sections of the provinces of Castellón and Valencia, as reported to Europa Press from the DGT Traffic Management Center.

On the one hand, in Castellón, there have been complications in traffic on the AP-7 from kilometer 444 in Alquerías del Niño Perdido to 437.4 in Virgen de la Gracia in the Barcelona direction.

Traffic is also complicated, in this case also as a result of an accident, on the A-7 in Valencia at the height of La Cañada, from kilometer 327 to 326, in the Barcelona direction, the same sources have specified.

On the other hand, the intense precipitations that have unloaded with force in the province of Castellón have caused “incidents and problems” in the CV-10 in Borriol and in the CV-20 in Onda due to flooded roads. At these points, traffic has been diverted onto adjacent roads, as reported by the Emergency Coordination Center.

As for the electrical device, on the morning of this Saturday Aemet has reported “a lot of activity” on the coast of Valencia and especially on that of Castellón.

The accumulation of water in some points has forced the firefighters to mobilize to carry out drainage at the Albocàsser mental health center, to remove a fallen tree in Vila-real and another in Onda that has fallen on a car, to carry out a cleaning of the facade in a building in Borriana and to check a house in Onda in which a balcony has fallen, as reported by the Firefighters Consortium.

In the province of Castellón, the provincial body has intervened in four vegetation fires caused by lightning strikes: one in Borriol and three in palm trees in the towns of Onda, Vila-real and Almassora.

Precisely, in the area of ??Borriol, Onda and La Pobla Tornesa there have been “incidents and problems” due to the accumulation of water on several roads, including the CV-10 and CV-20. In fact, firefighters have mobilized to rescue several people who have been trapped inside their vehicles immobilized by water in the Masía Gaetá de Borriol area, in Onda and in Betxí.

Firefighters have also intervened in a declared forest fire in Montesa, extinguished at 1:30 p.m. A Consortium crew, a forest firefighters unit, an aerial vehicle, a fire engine, a forestry coordinator, a BRIFO and a fire prevention unit have been mobilized.

The rains have also caused delays on the Metrovalencia lines, as reported by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat on social networks. NOTICES

The Emergency Coordination Center has extended the orange level pre-emergency for rains and storms to the three provinces of the Valencian Community, 112 CV has reported. Emergencies monitors the evolution of the rainy episode in real time. In fact, the different technicians involved carried out a second evaluation of the rainfall episode late in the morning.

The 1·1·2 telephone operators have received a total of 813 calls related to the rainy episode since midnight this Saturday, which have resulted in 517 incidents.

As a consequence of the rains, in the city of Valencia the City Council has decreed the closure of all fenced parks and gardens. In addition, the council has set up the Social Emergency Assistance Center (CAES), located on Calle de Santa Cruz de Tenerife and managed by the Red Cross, to accommodate homeless people.

In Alicante, the Department of Social Welfare has activated a special device for the homeless that involves the opening of the second gym of the Reception Center (CAI) until Sunday night.

In Torrevieja (Alicante), the Red Cross has activated its basic emergency response team, at the request of the consistory, to provide assistance to homeless people. Thus, a provisional shelter has been installed in the Tavi y Carmona Sports Palace with an initial capacity for 15 people, with service from this Saturday and initially until Sunday.

In different locations in the Valencian Community, the Red Cross has intensified the outings to the streets to reinforce preventive measures and “minimize the risks” for the homeless, who will be provided with means of protection such as raincoats and other emergency aid. They have detailed from the humanitarian organization.

For its part, the region of Pamplona (Navarra) has experienced one of the largest episodes of water since records exist if one takes into account that in less than 24 hours between 100 and 120 l/m2 have accumulated.

According to Aemet data, this Friday, in just over two hours, 62 liters were registered in Pamplona with “unprecedented” electrical activity.

In Tierra Estella and in the Pyrenees, large amounts of water are also being recorded, which can reach 100 l/m2 since the beginning of the rainy season. In some stations it is more than all that was recorded in the June-July-August quarter.