The acting president of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has had no other choice but to give in and take an extreme decision against which he had firmly stood since the elections of May 28, when he obtained 21 deputies, to only two of the absolute majority. In the end, he was left with no other option than to offer the president of Vox of the Murcia community, José Ángel Antelo, entry into the Government with two ministries, that of Development and that of Security, Interior and Emergencies, and the vice presidency on Friday of the Autonomous Community.

After three months of uncertainty, López Miras has favored the solution he considers “less bad”, which has led him to agree “to avoid an electoral repeat”, set for October 25. The PP has been since 28-M forcing the machine and delaying a meeting with those of Santiago Abascal, but time was running out since September 7 is the deadline to nominate a president.

Very significant was the agreement that was reached late on Friday evening, sealed with a photograph that the two political leaders took on Saturday morning and published on social networks posing casually in front of a cafe in a hotel in Murcia. The agreement came after Vox rejected the extension of the planning moratorium, decreed by the PP Government, on the grounds that the constructions do not pollute.

It was clear that Vox would not give in to the pressure that, from San Esteban, seat of the regional government, they had been exerting since May for the far-right party to abstain or vote in favor of the investiture of López Miras. This has not been the case and now the two formations are condemned to understand each other and to project normalcy after months of reproaches.

The PP of Murcia has been questioned for ignoring realities, as this was the only autonomous community where Vox won a general election (2019), perhaps because of how it dealt with the problem of a Mar Menor that is agonizing in the face of the passivity of all

Although at first Vox’s powers seem low-profile, it should be remembered that Foment is in charge of the Territorial Planning Plan for the Mar Menor Basin, housing, mobility and the management of a large part of the European funds that they reach the community.

It may be that, once installed in the regional government, those from Vox will manage to coexist with the PP, but there are certain issues, in which those from Abascal have always influenced, that have created friction between the two formations. In addition to the Mar Menor, the problem of immigration, his rejection of the 2030 Agenda, his denial of climate change and the parental pin, among others.

The two leaders have explained that what remains to be resolved is the so-called programmatic agreement, which will certainly include a possible modification of the Mar Menor law, one of Vox’s banners during the electoral campaign. Another issue that Antelo will probably put on the table will be to review subsidies to unions and social agents.

The deputy spokesperson of the Vox parliamentary group in the Regional Assembly, Rubén Martínez, confirmed on Friday that the talks with the PP have finally taken place “after the change of attitude of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who saw with good eyes, equally like our president Abascal, that there are fluid meetings and points of collaboration between Vox and the Popular Party”.

During the last legislature, López Miras governed in a coalition after he faced a motion of no confidence in March 2021 that shook the foundations of the government and led him to keep his seat with the support of several Ciutadans deputies and three former deputies of Vox. An experience that for the people has not been “at all positive” and that they have fought, without success, to prevent it from happening again now.