The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has warned this Monday that the amnesty requested by the independentistas as consideration for Pedro Sánchez to be sworn in as president of the Government of Spain “violates the principle of equality before the law” and “It clashes with the Constitution.”

In separate radio interviews on the Más de Uno programs on Onda Cero and Herrera on COPE, García-Page has referred to the Spanish political situation and has stated that “self-determination is simply and simply impossible and the sooner it is made clear, better”.

Likewise, he has indicated that he is unaware of the position of the central Executive and the PSOE in this matter, although he has recalled that in the previous legislature that position was that amnesty was not possible, at the same time that he has asserted that what the independentistas propose “more that an amnesty is a self-amnesty” because their own votes are necessary to approve it.

“They cook it for themselves and they eat it, they are judge and party,” he criticized, as well as stating: “I find it hard to believe that it is not assumed that it violates the principle of equality before the law than any crime with one more vote in the Courts can grant amnesty, and that it clashes with the Constitution, which does not have to prohibit something for it to be tacitly prohibited”.

Similarly, García-Page has pointed out that the Congress of Deputies is “like a political minefield” and has considered that those who say that the people have spoken clearly in the elections “are wrong” because, in his opinion, “People deal the cards but politicians are the ones who play with them” and that when voting they could be thinking of avoiding Vox but not “giving Puigdemont remote control of the Government.”

However, the Castilian-Manchego president has wished that “all the conversations that are held to negotiate, be between people and organizations that have clear limits, fundamentally of what cannot be.”

In addition, García-Page has also criticized Podemos, since he recalled that a few years ago he said that negotiations could not be done behind closed doors and now they advocate discretion and later tell what happens in the negotiations.

On the other hand, in relation to the proposal of the Basque lehendakari, Íñigo Urkullu, regarding his territorial proposal to advance the plurinational character of the State, García-Page has differentiated Urkullu from the independentistas.

In this regard, he stressed that there are differences in tone because in the case of the Lehendakari he does not intend a “constitutional break” but rather that the difference between nationalities and regions be maintained and that “autonomy is only practiced by a few”, while the Catalan independence “is about denying the Constitution and wanting to bypass it.”

In another vein, García-Page has reiterated that he is not willing to “invite transfuguismo” and to “fraud with the vote” of the national deputies of the PSOE elected in the Castilian-La Mancha provinces and has stressed that, in any case, ” “Whoever is not consistent with the party with which they have presented themselves has the option of fighting it within and if they do not agree, leaving.”