The president of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, assured this Monday that he does not intend to dismiss the two general directors of Vox indicated in the previous days for having published praise for Francoism on their social networks in its stage prior to the entry into the new Aragonese Executive.

In statements this Monday to the Ser chain, the popular described this episode as “unfortunate”, but maintained that his dismissal is not being considered for now. “I will judge them by what they do from now on,” the president stressed.

The controversy broke out after it was learned that the new Director General of Justice, Esmeralda Pastor, posed on her social networks next to the pre-constitutional flag and posted messages of support for Franco’s dictatorship.

The new General Director of Hunting and Fishing, Jorge Valero, was also singled out for his congratulatory messages to the founder of the Legion and Francoist general Millán Astray on the 139th anniversary of his birth. “Franco prevented the reds from continuing to rape and kill nuns,” read another of his messages.

After a hectic weekend in which the opposition groups in the Aragonese Cortes have demanded the cessation of both charges, Azcón excused before the microphones that these statements, now deleted, occurred in the past, “before have political responsibilities”, and that they will not be repeated.

In addition, he insisted that this is “a new stage” and that the criticism is “hyperbole from those who try to hand out Democrat cards.” Along these lines, he recalled that he himself has appointed a person who comes from the Communist Party (Pedro Olloqui, in Culture) as general director, a fact that has not attracted much attention.

“These are issues that, unfortunately, are part of the partisan game,” he added about the controversy, while insisting that, from now on, the government will be evaluated “by its actions” and by the decisions it is going to make. take. “If they are successful, they will continue. If not, they will be fired,” he concluded.

The situation of the two general directors of the Vox ministries will focus part of the initial activity of the regional Parliament that today begins the ordinary work of this legislature with the holding of the first ordinary meetings of the Table and the Board of Spokespersons.

Several opposition parliamentary groups -PSOE, Podemos and IU- are registering their first initiatives, which include the request for Azcón to appear before plenary to give explanations about what happened.

To date, the only body that has taken urgent measures against the two general directors of Vox has been the Secretary of State for Democratic Memory, which has opened a file on them for apology for Francoism.

In front of the microphones, Azcón predicted that this initiative would have “short reach,” and did not hesitate to warn against “government censorship” of the opinions of private citizens.