The PP’s Deputy Secretary for Culture and Open Society, Borja Sémper, described this Monday as “unprecedented” and “scandal” that the Second Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, traveled to Brussels to meet the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, a ” fugitive from Justice”, an epithet that the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has also used to affirm that it is “extremely serious” that the Government is sitting today with a “fugitive from Justice”, something that, in his opinion It doesn’t happen anywhere in the world.

Sémper, who appeared before the media after the meeting of the popular leadership, lamented that “it is now being seen as normal”, issues that in the opinion of the PP are not, such as “they say no to the PP and are willing to say yes to the independentists”, and say yes to issues that go against the Spaniards and the equality of citizens, such as, in their opinion, are “an amnesty à la carte” and “open a path for a process of separation from Spain”.

The PP spokesman has no doubt that Yolanda Díaz “is not going in a private capacity”, but is going on behalf of the Government and its president, which his trial confirms that Pedro Sánchez “are only thinking about his interests “, the same as Puigdemont “thinks of his own”, instead of thinking of the interests of the citizens, and for this reason “they are willing to change our legal system” to comply with the interests of a fugitive from Justice.

Sémper stressed that Feijóo could be President of the Government tomorrow, if he wanted, giving Puigdemont what he wants, and that Sánchez is apparently willing to give, such as amnesty and the self-determination referendum.

The Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has also criticized the meeting and especially Yolanda Díaz for arrogating “powers that are not hers” to try to obtain her support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. “It seems like a pilgrimage for each one to save their political situation,” Ayuso told the press.

In his opinion of Ayuso, Díaz tries to “make visible” with his meeting, which he described on the social network ‘X’ as “unworthy”, that he will have “a lot to do” in “a hypothetical Government” with Sánchez. “They assume powers that are not theirs, and they do it in parallel,” said Ayuso, and also mentioned the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, who is calling for a reinterpretation of the Constitution while the PSOE negotiates with the PNV for support for his investiture. . “It seems that parallel channels have to be created, a parallel life outside of the institutions, the legal rigor, of the parliaments to break up the sovereignty of all Spaniards,” stated the Madrid president.

Finally, the president of Vox has shown his concern about this appointment and has attacked a left that is going to see a “fugitive from Justice in Brussels, surrendering the Government of Spain to a real criminal.”

At a press conference after the meeting of his party’s Political Action Committee, Abascal also censured the acting Executive headed by Pedro Sánchez for “legitimizing a kidnapper and a person convicted of terrorism like Arnaldo Otegi as an interlocutor and possible partner.”