Every day that passes, new information comes to light about the murder of Edwin Arrieta by the media, allegedly by Daniel Sancho on the Thai island of Ko Pha Ngan. Since the news broke at the beginning of August, the case has become one of the main topics in both national and international media. This same Monday, ‘Y ahora Sonsoles’ has exclusively broadcast the confession of Daniel Sancho after the murder of the Colombian surgeon.

Rodolfo Sancho’s son remains in Koh Samui prison since August 7 waiting for the trial to take place. At the moment he has only received a visit from his lawyer and his mother, Silvia Bronchalo, who he has been on the island since last August 17. But this weekend we learned that Daniel Sancho’s father, Rodolfo Sancho, headed to Thailand to see his son.

The renowned actor is already on Thai soil and the first visit to the Koh Samui prison is expected to take place this coming Wednesday. But this same Monday we have been able to see exclusively, thanks to the Antena 3 program Y ahora Sonsoles, the first images of the Spanish chef’s confession.

The first thing we can see in the images is the plaque placed at the entrance to the hotel room. On it appears the name of Daniel and two emoticons, a happy face and a heart. Once the authorities go inside the villa, Daniel Sancho begins to explain the crime. They were both talking about their supposed romance and the Spanish chef was asking her to end her story about him.

Then the Thai police wanted to know how Daniel Sancho punched the surgeon. After removing the handcuffs, so that the reconstruction would be more agile, Daniel Sancho explained that he was sitting, got up and punched Edwin Arrieta. The authorities asked the alleged murderer to point out where he had struck Edwin, so that they could later compare it with the autopsy.

The brutal blow caused the surgeon to fall to the bathroom floor, near the sink counter. Then Sancho approached him and according to the actor’s son, Edwin Arrieta bit him and grabbed him. ”And I grabbed him towards me and threw him and he hit himself,” confessed Daniel Sancho.

”In a short time everything was full of blood,” said Daniel Sancho, after confessing the supposed fatal blow with which he ended the life of Edwin Arrieta. After hitting him, Sancho was in the room for two hours doing nothing, until he went back to the bathroom and dragged the body to the shower. ”I turned on the shower so that the water would wash away the blood because there was a lot of blood coming out. I turned the hot water on full so the blood wouldn’t clot and stick,” said the Spanish chef.

“I left it there and began to bring the bags, I brought the saw, the machete,” he confessed. Then he turned the corpse in the shower and turned it upside down so he could dismember it. In the images we can see how the authorities and the translator asked Sancho to explain where he began to dismember the corpse. The translator approached him to give him a knife, with which she wanted him to reconstruct the event. But Sancho refused to do it. ”Is it really necessary?” he replied. After dismembering the body, he put the pieces in the bags he had.