Pedro Sánchez warned last Monday that the agreement for his new investiture as Prime Minister “can be, must be and will be achieved”. And at Moncloa they point out that, after hearing the conditions for the negotiation announced by Carles Puigdemont from Brussels, the words of the acting chief executive are still “fully valid”. The leader of the PSOE, therefore, “maintains his determination” to achieve re-election, once the inauguration of Alberto Núñez Feijóo fails, without wanting to go into detail, for now, on the preconditions for negotiating raised by the former president of the Generalitat.

“We are separated by a world of these positions, which are at the opposite end,” the spokesperson for the acting Government, the socialist Isabel Rodríguez, said about Puigdemont’s words after the meeting of the Council of Ministers. But she has insisted on reaffirming Pedro Sánchez’s roadmap, which remains in the same direction after listening to the leader of Junts. “To address this situation, we have a tool, which is dialogue; we have a framework, which is the Constitution; and we have one objective, which is coexistence,” Isabel Rodríguez stressed.

In the Moncloa and in the leadership of the PSOE they thus see, for now, the path of dialogue and negotiation with Puigdemont open, taking into account that the seven votes of the Junts deputies in Congress are essential for Sánchez to obtain his investiture and a new legislature is effectively launched in Spain.

The acting government spokesperson, in any case, did not want to go into detail about the previous demands expressed by Puigdemont, such as the amnesty law. “Coexistence cannot be achieved outside the constitutional framework”, the acting Interior Minister and magistrate, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has limited himself to warning. No door is closed, for now, then the path of negotiation is clear.

Despite the forceful reaction of the right to the positions expressed by Puigdemont, and the warnings that Felipe González is already issuing, the spokesperson for the acting Executive has stressed that Sánchez will never go beyond the framework of the Constitution, as he has assured that he has already demonstrated since who arrived at Moncloa in 2018. Isabel Rodríguez thus wanted to convey “a message of tranquility to the public.” “No one believes that the wolf is coming anymore. It is enough to put fear in the body of the Spanish. This Government, and its president, Pedro Sánchez, has shown that it enforces the Constitution throughout Spain”, she highlighted.

Sánchez, he insisted, “has guaranteed that in Spain today the Spanish Constitution is complied with, in all territories”. “With this guide, in accordance with the Constitution, on the basis of dialogue, and with a clear objective, which is the coexistence and progress of Spain and of all Spaniards, and also of Catalonia, is how we face a future legislature”, Isabel Rodríguez has settled.