Alberto Núñez Feijóo backtracks. There will be no meeting with Junts. No, if the Junts representatives plan to attend the scheduled meeting with the same ideas as Puigdemont. “If the requirement is to compromise an amnesty that does not fit in the Constitution and that is an offense against Spanish democracy, we can save the meeting. Of course, “if there are nuances or the issues are approached in another way”, then it can be talk.

The change of opinion, according to Feijóo, not to the discrepancies expressed by some sectors of the PP, such as the president of the PP of Catalonia or even the deputy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, but to the appearance of Carles Puigdemont, “formal, explicit, clear and honest”, which also takes place a day after the meeting held with the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, which in his opinion is something significant.

In any case, the new position of the PP coincides with Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s statement that the PP should abandon naive attitudes. But Feijóo believes that the fact that Puigdemont has made public, black on white, his claims and conditions, represents a step that means that he, as a candidate, can avoid the meeting, because the conditions are “unacceptable and impossible.”

The announcement of the conditions that Puigdemont places for the investiture, starting with an amnesty law prior to the agreement, coincided with the meeting that the president of the PP had with the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal. In the subsequent appearance, Feijóo stressed that he is not going to enter into “an auction of principles or blackmail”, whatever his investiture turns out to be, because “the presidency of the Government does not mean renouncing the equality of the Spanish”.

His position, in a serious and serious tone, perhaps because he still had hopes of an abstention from Junts, was clear: “I, where it seems that Pedro Sánchez is willing to go, I will not go”, and he “will never be president” change of the interests of the Spanish people and the rupture of the Constitution”.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo thinks it serious that there is a candidate, Pedro Sánchez, who is willing not only to accept as a step prior to the investiture an amnesty that in his opinion is unconstitutional and the demand to “accept that democratic Spain was not democratic in 2017”, when the Procès and the independence referendum of 1-O took place.

For the president of the PP, it does not fit in his head that “someone who voted for article 155 of the Constitution” can accept these conditions to intervene in the autonomy of Catalonia after the declaration of independence, because it means denying the validity of his own acts. That is why he announced that he will fight with all his weapons, “from Congress, from the absolute majority that we have in the Senate, from our power in the autonomous communities, councils and town halls, and “from the responsibility of being a state party and being the first force of Congress”.

And it is that in his opinion “the territorial integrity of Spain, in addition to its institutional, economic and social development” is called into question and Spain “is suffering the consequences of a democratic anomaly.” Puigdemont’s conditions, he insisted, are “unacceptable, impossible, whatever name you give it, and look for the euphemisms you want to look for.”

After Puigdemont’s intervention, Alberto Núñez Feijóo considers that the situation “leads Spain to two paths”, not three, since it does not fit into his head that Sánchez is going to give in to Puigdemont’s conditions, or repeat elections, or “to agree between the national parties on the equality of Spaniards.”

Feijóo would be talking about reaching an agreement with the PSOE, so that he governs, which has been the list with the most votes and the one with the most deputies, and in that scenario during the meeting he had with Abascal he had good news for him, that Vox would not oppose him becoming president of the government with the support of the PSOE, because “we are in an extraordinary moment.”

An approach that Feijóo had previously made to Abascal, but that until today the president of Vox had not accepted, and Abascal himself acknowledged this in a conversation with journalists. The president of the PP does not intend to call, at least for the moment, Pedro Sánchez, to make this approach, but he is there in case when the time comes it can be considered, if the current acting president thinks like him that “I neither can nor want to pay that price to be president”.

Feijóo insisted that he is convinced that he will reach the Government, “but we will do it through consistency, the Constitution and with a constitutionalist government, now or later, and not through a new division process.”

Santiago Abascal, in a press conference after the Feijóo meeting, also stressed, regarding the conditions imposed by Abascal, that his decision to support a Feijóo government is the correct one “given the embarrassment of seeing the independentists auction off the nation” and that is why , and “despite the great differences” that they maintain “now it is not time to talk about them, because the Government of Pedro Sánchez is capable,” he said, of giving in to those who “dealt a blow to the Constitution and national unity, perpetrated by the separatists”, who are the ones who now want to condition the Government of Spain.

And it is that, for Abascal, “we fear that the same coup will be perpetrated from Moncloa by the Government of Spain.” Given this, Rajoy’s investiture believes that “it will help prepare the resistance to the coup.”