Sumar registered this Monday in the Congress of Deputies the names that will make up the leadership of his parliamentary group and confirmed that he leaves both Podemos and Izquierda Unida without spokespersons, as well as Más País.

According to the registered address, the president of the group will be the leader of the space and second vice president of the acting Government, Yolanda Díaz; the main spokesperson Marta Lois, also from Movimiento Sumar, the coalition’s parent party, and the deputy spokespersons will be, in this order, Aina Vidal (Catalunya en Comú), Águeda Micó (Compromís) and Jorge Pueyo (Chunta Aragonesista).

The general secretary and substitute spokesperson will be held by Txema Guijarro, who was also a member of the United Podemos parliamentary group and once belonged to the Podemos Executive, but left it increasingly distanced from the state leadership.

This morning, at a press conference, the co-spokespersons of the executive of Podemos Isa Serra and Javier Sánchez Serna stated, respectively, that “making Podemos invisible is not going to serve anything other than to generate disappointment in thousands of people” and that “We can have the space that corresponds to them and that this political force be respected”.

In addition, they recalled, in the words of Sánchez Serna, that “when Podemos was leading the space, all the parties of the coalition, then called Unidas Podemos, could have both their deputy spokesperson and their broad presence in the commissions, in the press conferences of on Tuesdays of the Congress. They even had ministries, because that’s how they asked for them.”

“ Podemos is simply asking for the same thing. He is asking for respect and recognition, and that Podemos not be made invisible, because, if Podemos is made invisible, we believe that this will generate disappointment in many people and therefore will affect the entire space,” he added.

For her part, the spokeswoman for the Izquierda Unida executive, Sira Rego, in a press conference after the composition of the leadership of the parliamentary group was known, accepted that this “has a character that can be perfectly transitory” and ” it does not have to be permanently closed”, but “there may be some kind of rotation” so that “we all feel comfortable and feel comfortable to continue working”.

Rego verified that, in the distribution of deputy spokespersons, “the plurinational axis” of Sumar has been followed, giving its Catalan, Valencian and Aragonese confluences. According to him, he said, for IU the multinational issue is “very important” but “the axis of rights, of the social State, is also essential”, and “it has to be perfectly rhythmic”.

According to sources from these parties, both Podemos and the IU have presented distribution proposals according to which each one of them would have a deputy spokesperson, as in Unidas Podemos, since they are the formations of state representation, but in the end their requests have not been met. by the direction of Sumar.