The rains of these days will give way to anticyclonic weather, with few clouds, no precipitation and a general rise in temperatures, which this Wednesday could reach 27 degrees in provincial capitals such as Murcia or 25 in Valencia, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Specifically, thermometers will rise in a locally notable way on the Northern plateau, Cantabrian coast and the Pyrenees. In addition to the maximum 27 degrees in Murcia, the highest temperatures in all of Spain will be in Alicante, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Valencia. They will also increase significantly in Bilbao (24), Málaga (23) and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (25).

After the passage of the front, the agency foresees a transition towards more stable anticyclonic weather. This Wednesday there will be abundant low morning clouds on the Atlantic slope and the Pyrenees, with weak rains in Galicia, west of the Central system and north of the Northern plateau. These precipitations may also occur dispersedly at other points, generally tending to subside and clear.

The sky will be slightly cloudy or clear in the rest of the areas, although in the afternoon scattered cloudiness will develop in the northern half, which may produce an occasional shower in the eastern Pyrenees. There, there may be snow with an elevation of 1,600 and there will also be frost.

According to the Aemet forecast, wind will blow from the west and south, generally weak, more intense in the northwest of the peninsula, reaching strong intervals with very strong gusts in the west of Asturias and northwest of Galicia, where the wind turbine has been activated. yellow warning for coastal phenomena.

The rise in temperatures expected for this Wednesday is just a preview of what we will experience in the coming days, when values ​​will be recorded above normal for the time of year. On Thursday the daytime thermal rise will continue with maximums of 18 to 20 degrees in practically the entire country.

It is most likely that temperatures will continue to rise on Friday and that that day and Saturday they could reach 25 degrees in large areas of the country. It would even be around 28 to 30 degrees for those dates in parts of the Cantabrian Sea and also in Andalusia and in the interior of the Murcia region.