A different alternative to “giving in to blackmail” is possible. With this premise, the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, showed his willingness to look for formulas to find “a solution to the territorial problem of Catalonia” with one condition, that it be within the law and through a great State pact between the parties, starting with the PP and the PSOE.

With this, the popular leader placed Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE so that they do not give in to Puigdemont, but it also represents a gesture of complicity to non-independence Catalans.

Feijóo went to the Canary Islands yesterday to meet with the president of this community, Fernando Clavijo, with whom he has reached an agreement to support his investiture, and to add to the document delivered by the popular leader to Pedro Sánchez during the meeting they held last week. Both praised the policy based on the great pacts, and in this context, the president of the PP was willing to seek a great agreement on Catalonia.

“I know that we have to make a proposal and we have to find a solution to the territorial problem of Catalonia, but this will be a State pact, or it won’t be, it will be done in accordance with the law, or it won’t be done, it will have a constitutional fit , or it won’t be done”, said Alberto Núñez Feijóo at the press conference after the meeting with Clavijo. Nothing else came forward.

Feijóo said it motu proprio, in his initial speech, not to questions from any journalist. Hours later, PP sources clarified that territorial integration will always be defended on the basis of the equality of territories and communities.

The candidate for the presidency of the Spanish Government is usually clear, recognizing, as the Constitution does, that in the Autonomous State there are nationalities and regions – he belongs to one nationality, he underlines – but he also says, when asked about which one his plan for Catalonia, which there is none other than the Constitution.

What the president of the PP has always maintained and maintains now is that any formula that is proposed must have, at least, the agreement of the two major parties, the PP and the PSOE.

With this, Feijóo is also telling Pedro Sánchez that he cannot defend himself for being president who has had to give in to what Puigdemont has proposed: amnesty before sitting down to negotiate, because there are other alternatives that do not go through repetition electoral

The PP and the PSOE can come to an agreement, first for the investiture, with those six major pacts, in the economy, water, social, etc., that he proposed when they met, but now he introduces the “territorial problem of Catalonia”, which was not included in the six agreements. He believes that there are avenues to explore, but always based on the agreement between the two major parties.

Feijóo feels questioned by Puigdemont, just as Pedro Sánchez has felt, because the former president has put his demands in black and white to support an investiture, and the leader of the PP is the candidate appointed by the King. Although he already advanced his answer on Tuesday, he reiterated it yesterday, so that it is clear not only to Puigdemont, but also to Pedro Sánchez: a resounding no “even if that means he cannot be president”.

What he will not do, and believes that Sánchez should not do, is “accept blackmail”. That is why he asks him to “reflect” and agree to negotiate the six State pacts that he offered, “so that Spain does not fall into a democratic anomaly”.

It would, in his opinion, be the best for Spain, because it would bring together a majority in Congress that could reach 280 deputies, since Vox has pledged its vote even if the PSOE supports Feijóo’s investiture. A number that would make it possible to reach “historic agreements to move the country forward”.

The president of the PP does not understand that what has been possible in Germany or France cannot be possible in Spain, but Pedro Sánchez prefers to “give in to pro-independence blackmail”, approving an amnesty “which is unconstitutional”, he denounced.