The PSC is not very satisfied with the degree of execution of the budget agreement signed in February with the Government of Pere Aragonès and hoped that this summer it would accelerate some of the pending measures, including some related to infrastructure. The socialists have carried out an analysis of the status of these agreements and conclude that the pace of execution by the Government is low, slow, as the figures confirm: only 11% of the agreed measures have been complied with (281 in total ), although 78% are in progress and another 11% have not started.

In its assessment report on the budget agreement, to which La Vanguardia has had access, Salvador Illa’s party points out that “the Government is not moving at the desired pace despite having the mechanisms and instruments to more diligently execute the agreed measures.” . In their opinion, this is a “low rate of execution” which they confirm based on the data collected from the Government itself as of August and those published on the Generalitat website regarding budget execution, dated August 31. of July.

In that report, analyzed in the sessions that Illa’s alternative government carries out in Vielha, the PSC emphasizes 11% of the measures that have been implemented and that many of the measures that are underway are marked by a ” calendar imbalance” that “will likely cause deadlines not to be met,” they warn.

The socialists point out several areas in which the Government incurs a worrying compliance deficit, such as industry, renewable energy, water, social services and infrastructure; while education and health are the areas in which “execution is most evident,” they acknowledge.

According to their figures, the percentage of execution of the different departments of the Government is around 55% as of July 31, with the Department of Equality and Feminismes being the one that registers a lower percentage of execution (25%) and Salut the one that registers the largest (62%), followed precisely by Education (58%).

Among the measures that the socialists agreed upon and that still remain to be implemented are some of the large projects that prioritized budget negotiation, although the agreement and financing agreement for the North Round of the B-40 has left the list. However, they do include the commitments regarding Rodalies (the transfer of resources for the management of the railway service through the joint economic affairs commission and the acquisition of new trains), and the El Prat airport, where the Government He committed to agreeing with the State on a technical commission that will be in charge of studying formulas to make the infrastructure “gain capacity” and become a true intercontinental hub.

Although the deadlines have been missed, the PSC assesses that the process related to the start of the Salou i Vilaseca recreational and tourism consortium, the so-called Hard Rock, is underway. While in infrastructure, they point out that the most obvious delays are investments in the metro and the C-58.

Another area where the PSC places emphasis is water management. In a situation of extreme drought, infrastructure such as the expansion of the Tordera desalination plant or the Besòs regeneration station are not being carried out. The Government has delegated to the central Executive to comply with the financing of this investment, but the socialists reproach the Cabinet of Pere Aragonès for having the resources to undertake them as soon as possible without having to wait to receive the investment from the State.

In renewables, the socialists also observe a slow execution that “leaves a wide margin for maneuver” and in the social field they also identify uncommitted commitments, such as increasing tariffs to 4% and are pessimistic in the objective of reducing them to 50% the waiting time for the assessment of the degree of dependency, despite the measures initiated.

In short, the socialists, although demanding, appreciate that the situation is not dramatic, although it can be improved. That is why they encourage the Government to give a “greater push” and to make “a much greater effort” so that “the best budget agreement in many years advances.”

This analysis, which comes in the middle of the conversations with ERC and Junts for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, will lead to a new meeting with the Government that the PSC wants to hold in the first half of October to monitor the agreements again, and in another round of meetings between the socialist group and social agents to compare impressions about compliance with the agreement.