After 100 days of deadlock and uncertainty, cross reproaches between the PP and Vox and an agreement in extremis between the two formations, the candidate of the PP, Fernando López Miras, was re-elected yesterday, in the Regional Assembly, president of Murcia for absolute majority, after adding the 21 votes of his party and the 9 of Abascal. The PSOE and Podemos (15) voted against.

It was the second investiture plenum facing López Miras, after the one held in July and in which he did not have the support of the extreme right, which was necessary, since the PP had stayed two seats away from the absolute majority. If it weren’t for the agreement between the two formations that was reached on Friday, the autonomous community of Murcia would have faced a new electoral process.

The investiture session began on Wednesday with commitments from the candidate and Vox to resolve, jointly, old issues such as the Mar Menor crisis, the lack of infrastructure that Murcia suffers from and the Tajo-Segura transfer.

Those who gave the most arguments were the spokesmen of the opposition, the deputies of the PSOE and Podemos. The spokesperson of the Socialist group, José Vélez, justified his vote of rejection of the candidate “since Miras has ruined Murcia, which has placed Spain at the bottom of all social welfare indicators”.

For her part, the spokeswoman for Podemos, María Marín, was very critical of the candidate, whom she accused of “lying when he said he would not agree with Vox”. He assured that the next regional executive “will not be that of the citizens of Murcia, but that of the most prominent entrepreneurs”.

In his reply, López Miras defended the legitimacy of his victory in the elections and his government pact with Vox “to not extend an interim situation that harmed Murcia due to the impossibility of fully implementing a series of measures necessary”. Miras added that “today I start a Government of all: love those who love, hate those who hate and think how they think”. The president of Vox, José Ángel Antelo, defended that the agreement with the PP is “sensible”.

The investiture session of López Miras in the Regional Assembly ended with the congratulations to the already president of the community by authorities, guests, deputies and militants.

Among the attendees, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, who arrived to witness the vote and insisted that “today is a very important day for the stability of Murcia”.