The Archbishop of Oviedo, Jesús Sanz Montes, took advantage of his homily in the Basilica of Covadonga on the occasion of Asturias Day, to show his criticism of political and ideological positions and of specific laws. Sanz Montes has attacked, among other issues, against the 2030 Agenda, against euthanasia, against feminism, calling the Rubiales case a “legend of the kiss”, or against those who seek to “waste the rule of law on a whim that would assimilate us to a republic of ill-fated banana breaking coexistence”.

It is not new that the Archbishop takes advantage of the holiday of September 8 to highlight his criticisms of certain policies. On this occasion, Sanz Montes has raised the tone of these criticisms and has referred, before a packed basilica, to the controversy generated by the actions of the president of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales.

Sanz Montes has told the story of Irina, a young Ukrainian woman he met and who lost her husband and one of her children during a bombing in kyiv. He has said that Irina was “a woman who was not manipulated in her feminine condition, not letting herself be dragged by so much posturing, so much empowerment and so much vulgar mediocrity” and has contrasted that story with what happened after the Women’s World Cup and Rubiales’ non-consensual kiss to a player

“The comparison was inevitable with other news from recent weeks that I leafed through in the press every day going from here to there. Let’s leave the Legend of the Kiss for the beautiful zarzuela by Reoyo, Silva and Paso. This zarzuela is better than the recent skits cheered with calculated strategies. Where are the frivolities remote-controlled for days and days in news rigged to distract attention, overshadow shame or manage pretensions and tricks under the hood at any price and with the usual lie as a political weapon? No, I’ll take the high human and Christian testimony of Irina,” the Archbishop conveyed to all those present.

Sanz Montes has contrasted the meeting he experienced with young people in Lisbon during World Youth Day with Pope Francis, with other situations that young people experience.

“In those million and a half young people there were no drunkenness, no urban destruction, no gang rapes, no tons of garbage after their departure. We talked about so many things. Also about the ecology that so many talk about, but without the ideological burden of the 2030 Agenda, nor the hackneyed parade along the catwalks of so much empty nonsense, although so well subsidized that they end up being subversive,” said the Archbishop.

But he went further in his criticism to indicate that “to talk about ecology is to talk about how we care about life, all of life, avoiding falling into the deceptive trap of saving only some flora and fauna classified by certain ecological currents that end up being ecolojetas, while we leave the most vulnerable human life on hold: the one not yet born, or the one that precipitates its end with the slaughtering help of lethal euthanasia without censored palliative care.”

The Archbishop also did not want to let the political situation pass with a government in office. Thus he has indicated that “our interpersonal and institutional relationships would change if we looked at the other, without raising walls that separate us, trenches that confront us, reopening wounds, or manipulating reality with false news or wasting at whim a rule of law that would assimilate us to an ill-fated banana republic breaking coexistence”.

He added that we are living a “critical and delicate” moment with “challenges that are not easy to solve when rights are violated, sanity is twisted, letting what we were building in democratic coexistence blow up.”