September is synonymous with changes to get used to every year. The end of summer, vacations, back to school, work and television shows. Some channels have already started the regular season and their star presenters have returned from their summer break. One of the last to comply with this trend is Telecinco, premiering its new season this coming Monday, September 11. And with that, came several goodbyes.

This Friday afternoon The Summer Program and It’s Already Midday have closed their stages awaiting the premiere next week of The Critical Look and Let’s See. Patricia Pardo has been the first to say goodbye, definitively closing the summer version of The Ana Rosa Program, whose presenter will move to the afternoon slot with TardeAR. For her part, Verónica Dulanto lowered her blinds forever during the Fresh section, after five years of broadcast.

It was 1:25 p.m. when Patricia Pardo left her farewell message on a set where only the table remained: “We have worked like this throughout this week, with this space. Life always makes its way, and television too. In any case, thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who have accompanied us throughout this summer. On Monday there will be more and we hope much better ”, she commented, before giving way to a video tribute to the program.

“These are times of light and love, and of following our path. On Monday we return with Let’s see,” she concluded, inviting her viewers to the premiere of the new program at 10:45 in the morning, which she will co-present with Joaquín Prat. The morning slot has given way to It’s Already Noon, where a surprise was anticipated for the final part of that last program. When the time comes, the former contestant of Operación Triunfo 2006, Lorena Gómez, has appeared.

The singer from Lleida was the original author of the show’s anthem, which she was in charge of singing live with the entire team present on the set. Once the musical number was over, a video was shown in memory of the 1,327 programs broadcast, reviewing its beginnings and its entire cast of presenters: Sonsoles Ónega, Marc Calderó, Miquel Valls and Joaquín Prat. Once the images were finished, Verónica Dulanto intoned a final speech.

“It has been a real pleasure. Life goes on. We put an end to the program that has lasted five wonderful years. It was my turn to put the finishing touch. No problem. On Monday we start many programs: Joaquín Prat will do it on this set with Let’s see. Ana Terradillos will also be there in the morning. And I join Cuatro a día in the afternoon,” she indicated, also appealing to her viewers before launching a final farewell message.

“This section of Fresh has been one of the craziest of this program. We have had fun, we have danced, we have fought to entertain you, in the pandemic that was very hard, and in the worst moments. See you always,” she concluded.